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In the latest episode of their immaculately prepared podcast, Ken and Robin talk campaign setup, [...]
In the latest episode of their warm and cozy podcast, Ken and Robin talk exposure [...]
By Kevin Kulp This is the 12th in our series on non-human heroes which has [...]
By Kevin Kulp This is the 11th in our series on non-human heroes which has [...]
In the latest episode of their heavily fortified podcast, Ken and Robin talk cultural diaspora [...]
In the latest episode of their widely traveled podcast, Ken and Robin talk Robin’s wrap-up [...]
How can/should you change the Icons over the course of a campaign? I remember hearing, [...]
A few backers have asked why Trail 2nd Edition sticks to the old GUMSHOE method [...]
Showing 61–90 of 93 results
Echo and Gauntlet
Authors: Michael E. Shea, Rob Heinsoo
Cover Artists: Rich Longmore
Pages: 8
Authors: ASH LAW
Footsteps 0: Day of the Quelo
Authors: Ian Thomson
Cover Artists: Jérôme Huguenin, Andrew G. Wright, Sarah Wroot
Pages: 32
Footsteps 1: All’s Fair at Azenomei
Cover Artists: Ralph Horsley, Sarah Wroot, Carrie Walters, Ian Thomson
Pages: 45
Footsteps 2: Strangers in Saskervoy
Cover Artists: Jérôme Huguenin, Andrew G. Wright, Ian Thomson, Carrie Walters, David Bezzina, Ralph Horsely
Pages: 74
Footsteps 3: The Lords of Cil
Cover Artists: Luigi Castellani, Carrie Walters, Ian Thomson, Shaun Thomas
Pages: 86
Footsteps 4: Beyond the Mountains of Magnatz
Cover Artists: Jérôme Huguenin, Shaun Thomas, Beth Kovacs
Pages: 96
Footsteps 5: And Thence to Almery
Cover Artists: Sarah Wroot, Beth Lewis, Beth Kovacs, Carrie Walters, Jérôme Huguenin
Pages: 121
Further Alarums
Authors: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan
Pages: 17
Authors: Rob Heinsoo
Pages: 9
Gomoshan’s Tomb
Pages: 73
High Druids World
Cover Artists: Naomi VanDoren
Pages: 11
Home Bases
Authors: Steven Warzeha, Rob Heinsoo
Kroma Draconics
Authors: Rob Heinsoo, Cal Moore
Pages: 10
Mounted Combat
Cover Artists: Rich Longmore, Naomi VanDoren
On the High Road to Kaiin
Cover Artists: Ralph Horsley
Interior Artists: Ralph Horsley, Tim Challis, Roy Duffy, Ian Thomson
Pages: 140
Authors: Rob Heinsoo, ASH LAW
Cover Artists: Patricia Smith
Rakshasas & Reavers
Authors: Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet
Cover Artists: Lee Moyer, Aaron McConnell
Shades of Fey
Authors: Steven Warzeha
Sorcerer Summoning
Pages: 15
Summoning Spells
Pages: 13
Temple of the Sun Cabal
Authors: Wade Rockett
Temples of the Frogfolk
The Creep of Inacurracy
Cover Artists: Jérôme Huguenin, Dave Allsop, Carrie Walters, Sarah Wroot
Pages: 27
The Exasperating Cadaver
Cover Artists: Ralph Horsely, Kris Herbert, Diana Probst
Interior Artists: Ian Thompson
Pages: 76
The Sharpe Initiative Earthgouger
Authors: Cal Moore
The Waking Stones
Authors: Lynne Hardy
13th Age Dice Tray
13th Age Bestiary 2 Limited Edition
Authors: Liz Argall, Paul Fanning, Jaym Gates, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Lynne Hardy, Rob Heinsoo, ASH LAW, Cal Moore, Carrie Rasmussen-Law, Wade Rockett, Aaron Roudabush, Michael E. Shea, Ruth Tillman, Jonathan Tweet, Steven Warzeha, Emily Westfall
Cover Artists: Rich Longmore, Ania Kryczkowska, Aaron McConnell, Lee Moyer, Patricia Smith, Naomi VanDoren
Pages: 304