Cover Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Andrew Gustafson, Rachel A. Kahn, Jon Hodgson, Jérôme Huguenin, John Kovalic, Pierre Legay, Jan Pospíšil, Mikko Vihervaara, Hilary Wade, Jonathan Wyke
Pages: 208
Cover Artists: Gene Ha
Pages: 285
In the latest episode of their widely traveled podcast, Ken and Robin talk Robin’s wrap-up [...]
How can/should you change the Icons over the course of a campaign? I remember hearing, [...]
A few backers have asked why Trail 2nd Edition sticks to the old GUMSHOE method [...]
Recorded live at Dragonmeet, Ken and Robin talk psi powers in the revolutionary war, tarot [...]
In the latest episode of their festive podcast, Ken and Robin talk falling damage, Kieron [...]
In 1895, the art student player characters of The Yellow King: Paris can’t simply pop [...]
Bottom Line Up Front: Santa Claus is Dracula. Oh, you want proof? Let’s briefly look [...]
Showing all 2 results
Authors: Angus Abranson, Kevin Allen Jr., Scott Bennie, Jennifer Brozek, Ken Burnside, Emily Care Boss, Jon Creffield, Marcos Dacosta, Steven Darlington, Paula Dempsey, Steve Dempsey, Cédric Ferrand, Ian “Lizard” Harac, Chris Huth, Richard Iorio II, John Kovalic, ASH LAW, Robin D. Laws, Antti Lax, Phil Nicholls, Jack Norris, Andrew Peregrine, Mike Pohjola, Sean Preston, David L. Pulver, Mark Rein•Hagen, Jeff Richard, Josh Roby, Wade Rockett, Mark Ryan, John Rogers, Aaron Rosenberg, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Ralf Schemmann, Lester Smith, Greg Stolze, CA Suleiman, James L. Sutter, Mark Diaz Truman, Nick Wedig, Pedro Ziviani
Cover Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Andrew Gustafson, Rachel A. Kahn, Jon Hodgson, Jérôme Huguenin, John Kovalic, Pierre Legay, Jan Pospíšil, Mikko Vihervaara, Hilary Wade, Jonathan Wyke
Pages: 208
Authors: Alex Bledsoe, Emily Care Boss, Jennifer Brozek, Tobias Buckell, Jesse Bullington, Matt Forbeck, Robin D. Laws, Will Hindmarch, Jean Rabe, Christina Stiles, Greg Stolze, James L. Sutter, John Scott Tynes, James Wallis
Cover Artists: Gene Ha
Pages: 285