Tag Archives: Kevin Kulp

The Ghouls of Eversink: Gluttonous Undead for Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp The problem with a sinking city is all those sub-basements. Things set up shop down there, turning your great-great-grandmother’s long-forgotten ballroom into their personal lair. You’d never know if you didn’t find the burrowed tunnels… and if your friends didn’t keep disappearing. Eversink, it turns out, occasionally has a ghoul problem. The […]

Playtesting: the Merfolk (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp This is the ninth in our series on non-human heroes which has so far covered the Serpentine, the spider-like Arakene, the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods), Constructs, the fungal Drowned, fey Hidden Folk, Intelligent Animals, and Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead). The city of Eversink borders both river and sea, […]

Playtesting: the Serpentine (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp This is the eighth in our series on non-human heroes which has so far covered the spider-like Arakene, the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods), Constructs, the fungal Drowned, fey Hidden Folk, Intelligent Animals, and Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead). This month’s Ancestry is inspired by the Conan story The God […]

Playtesting: the Hidden Folk (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp This is the seventh in our series on non-human heroes which has so far covered the spider-like Arakene, the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods), Constructs, the fungal Drowned, Intelligent Animals, and Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead). This month’s Ancestry is inspired by cobbler elves, house elves, Icelandic legends, and tiny […]

The Holidays of Eversink: Using festivals for plot hooks in Swords of the Serpentine

by Kevin Kulp Eversink is a city of shimmering festivals, holidays and raucous celebration. The city is alive and alight during holidays, often flooded with food and festivity (and actual water, considering the irritating local tide table). Here are a few of the better-known holidays and celebrations. Scouring Day (civic, popular) Eversink’s narrower canals tend […]

Playtesting: the fungal Drowned (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp This is the sixth in our series on non-human heroes which has so far covered the spider-like Arakene, the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods), Constructs, Intelligent Animals, and Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead). This month’s Ancestry is inspired by the cordyceps fungus, The Last of Us, and terrifying hiveminds. Be sure to read […]

Playtesting: the spider-like Arakene (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp This is the fifth in our series on non-human heroes which has so far covered Constructs, Intelligent Animals, Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead), and the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods). This month’s Ancestry is inspired by drow elves, deep ones, embedded spies, and any creatures who try to hide within […]

Free RPG Day 2023

We’re happy to announce we were once again part of Free RPG Day 2023 on Saturday, June 24th, 2023, and this year’s free Pelgrane giveaway was an adventure for Swords of the Serpentine, which you can find with all previous years’ Free RPG Day adventures. Swords of the Serpentine is a game of daring heroism, […]

Playtesting: The Considerata (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp We’ve had fun providing rules for non-humans and giving you two Ancestries for Swords of the Serpentine, Intelligent Animals and Unsleeping Advisors. This month’s Ancestry is inspired by heritages like the tiefling and aasimar from other classic fantasy games. How might you create a Hero in SotS who has a remarkable and supernatural […]

Playtesting: Constructs (Non-Human Heroes) in Swords of the Serpentine

By Kevin Kulp Our series on non-human heroes has so far covered Intelligent Animals, Unsleeping Advisors (secret undead), and the Considerata (humans whose souls are contractually linked to gods). This month’s Ancestry is inspired by gargoyles, golems, warforged, and clockwork creations. Be sure to read the previously published rules on Non-Human Heroes if you haven’t […]

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