Tag Archives: Yellow King RPG

The Lou Carcolh

Snail snake creature wearing Belle Époque finery by the Seine

When they first hear of the creature known as the Lou Carcolh, the art students of Yellow King: Paris may breathe a sigh of relief. This titanic, man-eating cross between a snail and a serpent dwells more than a day’s train trip away from the École des Beaux-Arts, in a cave beneath the town of […]

Christmas for the Art Students of Yellow King Paris

In 1895, the art student player characters of The Yellow King: Paris can’t simply pop home to visit their wealthy American families for the holidays. They can’t take time from their studies at the École des Beaux-Arts for a two-way ocean voyage. Like other temporary residents in someone else’s city, they’ll need to band together […]

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: They Got to Construin’ Verbs

In the latest episode of their sur-Alaskan podcast, Ken and Robin talk small town Oklahoma Trail of Cthulhu GMCs, Kentucky’s anti-dueling oath of office, an alternate King in Yellow, and the phantom city hoax.

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Elves Falling in Love with Guitarists

In the latest episode of their ever-shifting podcast, Ken and Robin talk player prep for technothriller games, Brazil’s Bonde da Kabbalah narco gang, reality horror 101, and saving the library of Mexican baroque playwright Juana Inés de la Cruz.

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: You Can’t Rule Fish Out

In the latest episode of their lovingly roasted podcast, Ken and Robin talk sovereign citizens of Carcosa, the death of a White Helmet, a vampire museum, and, at the behest of Pelgrane publisher Cat Tobin, time machining vegetarian cuisine.

My New Botanist Friend

Dearest Mother, I was so pleased to receive your latest communication, taking particular delight in your account of the spring cotillion. If only I could have been there to witness Cecily’s debut! Please assure the great aunts that they needn’t worry about me in Paris. I have fallen in with a cadre of fellow Americans, […]

An Automatically Sent Email About a Basement

Hey guys – Hope all is well with you in these crazy times. You haven’t heard from me for a while. I’ve had a bit of a problem lately and I’ve been trying to handle it myself without bothering anyone else. Especially you guys, since you did kind of warn me off but in my […]

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