Category Archives: The Gaean Reach

Prisoner of Borruque

A scenario hook for The Gaean Reach As they track down interstellar arch-villain Quandos Vorn, the team of vengeance-seekers picks up the trail of a former accomplice who holds a piece of information key to their implacable quest. Unfortunately, this person was recently sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on the technologically advanced but philosophically cold […]

Meet Me at the Megaworm

A scenario hook for The Gaean Reach The highest holy day on Jernki’s World occurs on the 23rd day of its seventeenth month. On that day the Ship of Blessed Delivery descends from the stars over its capital, Jernki City. This S-Class bioship gives birth to the megaworm, a genetically engineered organism that plays a […]

Gorsk the God

A scenario seed for The Gaean Reach   During their quest to find interstellar adversary Quandos Vorn, the revenge-seekers hear that he too is on the hunt. He seeks Gorsk, a former lieutenant who has stolen an item of experimental technology using a master plan Quandos Vorn himself formulated. As they follow Gorsk’s trail over […]

Invasive Insects of the Gaean Reach

In the Gaean Reach, almost every world capable of supporting life gave rise to creatures of an insect-like body configuration. Though biologists assign each planet’s evolutionary tree its own taxonomic categories, in both lay and scientific circles the term “insect” is used to describe them all. The so-called insects of Achernar, for example, bear no […]

7 Places to Dispose of a Body in the Gaean Reach

We would never be so indelicate as to suggest that you, as member of a ragtag band of interstellar vengeance-seekers, would ever commit a homicide in the course of your implacable hunt for arch-criminal Quandos Vorn. Yet in the pursuit of this entirely justified enterprise, one might theoretically find oneself saddled with a recently deceased […]

7 Galactic Treasures Allegedly Stolen By Quandos Vorn

Frustrated in your hunt for Quandos Vorn, the arch-criminal of the Gaean Reach upon whom you have sworn vengeance dire? Rather than seek him directly, you and the rest of your rag-tag band of righteous grudge holders may find it fruitful to follow the trail of an item he has stolen. Yes, perhaps in some […]

Emerging Vituperations of the Gaean Reach

As you scour the spacelanes of the Gaean Reach for traces of Quandos Vorn, the interstellar arch-criminal you have sworn at all costs to destroy, you may find it advantageous to familiarize yourself with the very latest terms of abuse. Although humanity in its vast sprawl through the galaxy has retained a common language, local […]

Outstanding Warrants for Quandos Vorn

As the galactic vengeance-seekers of The Gaean Reach Roleplaying Game, you may from time to time find it necessary to invoke the legal system as a tool in your hunt for Quandos Vorn. Naturally you will not in the end turn this arch-villain over to the proper authorities, but rather exact your own revenge. Still, […]

Clues as Keys, Keys as Clues

A GUMSHOE core clue can be seen as a key, giving the PCs access to a door, behind which more of the story waits. With the key, they can interact with, change, master, and adjust that story. Sometimes a core clue can be a literal key. Literal for the characters, that is, and imagined by […]

The Seven Most Expensive Assassins of the Gaean Reach

You will surely not employ professional killers to slay galactic arch-villain Quandos Vorn. What he did to you was too cruel, too awful, to allow you to take your sworn vengeance from a remove. However, prowling after him will require you to move in his circles—a milieu also swimming with murderers-for-hire. As many others wish […]

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