“13th Age is, perhaps, the first d20 game that I’ve ever played that treats the game inside of combat and the game outside of combat with equal love, attention, and innovation.”

Jon Spengler / Dorkadia

“13th Age RPG delivers an incredible fantasy storytelling experience.”

Ed Grabianowski / io9 / Gizmodo

“One of the best systems I’ve encountered—and I’ve either played or read the rules to countless d20 systems at this point—is 13th Age… It’s fun, fast and accessible.”

Erik Kain / Forbes

“[13th Age] has just enough of the freedom I want from a tabletop game while also being able to balance the crunchy aspects. I was just about to swear off D20 games, too. So I’m glad I found this.”

Kirby Smith / playtester

“The system is absolutely brilliant. For me, it brings a lot of the things I really enjoy about traditional fantasy gaming and infuses them with some new and really useful ideas that you often see in more indie gaming.”

Aaron R. / GM of Forgotten Sagas of the 13th Age, Obsidian Portal’s March 2013 Campaign of the Month

Latest Articles

13th Sage: Evolving Icons

How can/should you change the Icons over the course of a campaign? I remember hearing, [...]

13th Age GenCon Follow-up!

[[The Emperor, original pencils by Aaron McConnell, newly painted by Lee Moyer]] We had two [...]

Eyes of the Stone Thief: After The Orc Lord

The upcoming 2nd edition of 13th Age updates the rules, tweaks the classes, gives lots [...]

Paint and Song

by Rob Heinsoo Tonight’s the night for our Teachers of the Court 13th Age campaign. We [...]

13th Age 2E: Wood Elf Kin Powers

Here’s another installment of the new kin powers from 13th Age 2E. If you played [...]

13 Quick Iconic Plots

The first time I played 13th Age, lo these many years ago, Rob used the [...]

Four Schemes of the Cult of the Devourer

The Cult of the Devourer, as seen in Eyes of the Stone Thief, are the [...]

Expanded Rituals

Ritual Magic permits a spell caster to turn one of their prepared spells into an [...]

Iconic Agents of Spireshadow Vale

The upcoming Prophet of the Pyre campaign takes the player characters from 1st to 10th level, from [...]

Latest Products


Authors: Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet

Cover Artists: Lee Moyer, Aaron McConnell

Pages: 320

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Authors: Ryven Cedrylle, Rob Heinsoo, Kenneth Hite, Kevin Kulp, ASH LAW, Cal Moore, Steve Townshend, Rob Watkins, Rob Wieland

Cover Artists: Lee Moyer, Rich Longmore

Pages: 240

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Authors: Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet, Robin D. Laws

Cover Artists: Lee Moyer, Aaron McConnell

Pages: 256

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Authors: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan

Cover Artists: Anna Kryczkowska, Pat Loboyko, Rich Longmore, Juha Makkonen, Russ Nicholson, Ben Wooten

Pages: 360

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Authors: Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet

Cover Artists: Lee Moyer, Aaron McConnell

Pages: 320

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Authors: Liz Argall, Paul Fanning, Jaym Gates, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Lynne Hardy, Rob Heinsoo, ASH LAW, Cal Moore, Carrie Rasmussen-Law, Wade Rockett, Aaron Roudabush, Michael E. Shea, Ruth Tillman, Jonathan Tweet, Steven Warzeha, Emily Westfall

Cover Artists: Rich Longmore, Ania Kryczkowska, Aaron McConnell, Lee Moyer, Patricia Smith, Naomi VanDoren

Pages: 304

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Authors: ASH LAW, Rob Heinsoo, Paul Fanning

Cover Artists: Pascal Quidault, Gislaine Avila, Wagner Chrissante, Lauren Covarrubias, Rich Longmore, Dagmara Matuszak, Jeremy McHugh, Ernanda Souza, ASH LAW, Gill Pearce, Christina Trani

Pages: 232

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Authors: Cal Moore

Cover Artists: Melissa Gay, Aileen Miles

Interior Artists: Alyssa Faden, Melissa Gay, Rich Longmore, Aileen Miles, Gillian Pearce, Ralf Schemmann, Naomi VanDoren

Pages: 176

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Resources & Downloads

Here you’ll find official materials as well as useful game resources and play aids. A link to a third-party site doesn’t mean that we agree with or endorse all of the opinions on that site. The resources are available under the Community Use policy, and all are copyright Pelgrane Press Ltd unless otherwise noted.

13th Age core book

13th Age FAQ

13th Age Licensing

Vault of the 13th Age – a fansite operated by Fire Opal Games that collects community-created content for 13th Age RPG

Iconic – the 13th Age fan podcast

Escalation! – the 13th Age fanzine

ICON – the previous 13th Age fanzine

Official Pre-Generated Characters

Level 1-4 Gen Con 2015 pregens (PDF) by ASH LAW level 1 – 4: Half-Elf Fighter, Forgeborn Cleric, Tiefling Hellsinger (customized bard/barbarian multiclass), Dwarf Ranger with bear companion, Wood Elf Druid and Human Wizard. To speed things up, we pre-split the 8 background points into three backgrounds: 4-point, 3-point, and 1-point.

Level 2 pregens (PDF) by Nathan Panke, Daniel Splitter, ASH Law, Cal Moore and Wade Rockett – revised 28 August 2013:

Level 2 pregens from Make Your Own Luck (PDF): Human Paladin, Half-Elf Bard, Elf Wizard, Dwarf Barbarian, Halfling Rogue and Human Cleric.

Level 3 pregens from At Land’s Edge (PDF by Sean Dunstan): Dark Elf Paladin, Dwarf Wizard, Halfling Sorcerer, Half-Orc Rogue, Human Commander and Human Fighter.

Level 6 pregens from Swords Against Owlbears (PDF): Tiefling Paladin, Human Rogue, Gnome Barbarian, Half-Elf Sorcerer, Dark Elf Cleric, and Human Druid.

Third Party and Fan-Created Pre-Generated Characters

Pre-generated characters (PDF) by Sarah Miller and Ben Roby

  • Group 1  – Level 2 Half-Orc Barbarian, Gnome Bard, Elf Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Human Paladin, Half-Elf Ranger, Halfing Rogue, Dark Elf Sorcerer, High-Elf Wizard
  • Group 2 – Level 2 Gnome Barbarian, High Elf Bard, Dark Elf Cleric, Halfling Fighter, Dwarf Hunter, Wood Elf Paladin, Half-Orc Rogue, Half Elf Sorcerer and Human Wizard
  • Group 3 – Level 2 Wood Elf Barbarian, Half Elf Bard, Holy One Cleric, Draconic Fighter, Forgeborn Paladin, Human Ranger, Gnome Rogue, Demontouched Sorcerer and Dark Elf Wizard.
  • Group 4 – Level 2 Forgeborn Barbarian, Holy One Paladin, High Elf Ranger, Half-Orc Fighter, Draconic Rogue, Demontouched Bard, Dwarf Cleric, Wood Elf Sorcer and Halfling Wizard
  • Group 5 – Level 4 Wood Elf Barbarian, Half Elf Bard, Holy One Cleric, Draconic Fighter, Forgeborn Paladin, Human Ranger, Gnome Rogue, Demontouched Sorcerer and Dark Elf Wizard.

Level 2 Midgard Campaign Setting pregens (.zip PDFs) by J. Michael Bestul, with Midgard icons by Wade Rockett and magic items by ASH LAW and Wade Rockett: Dwarf Barbarian, Elfmarked Druid, Human Cleric, Kobold Ranger, Minotaur Bard, Ravenfolk Fighter.

Level 3 pregens from Campaign Coins (.zip PDFs) level 3 by Jackson Heenan: Dark Elf Monk, Derro Wizard, Human Necromancer, Goblin Rogue. AUTHOR’S NOTE: “This party was created for The First Bank of Drakkenhall, a heist adventure of stealth and skulduggery. As such, they are somewhat dodgy, shady characters that you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley in the City of Monsters. Also attached is a list of suggested magic items that would serve them in such endeavors. Also, the goblin and derro, being unofficial player races, have homebrew powers that probably aren’t perfectly balanced.”

Third-Party and Fan-Created Game Aids and Supplements

Power decks Character sheets Adventures
Character sheets
Let’s Play Podcasts & Videos

Actual Play Blog Posts
13th Age Blogs

13th Age core book

13th Age FAQ

13th Age Organized Play

13th Age Licensing

Vault of the 13th Age – a fansite operated by Fire Opal Games that collects community-created content for 13th Age RPG

Iconic – the 13th Age fan podcast

Escalation! – the 13th Age fanzine

ICON – the previous 13th Age fanzine

Official Pre-Generated Characters

Level 1-4 Gen Con 2015 pregens (PDF) by ASH LAW level 1 – 4: Half-Elf Fighter, Forgeborn Cleric, Tiefling Hellsinger (customized bard/barbarian multiclass), Dwarf Ranger with bear companion, Wood Elf Druid and Human Wizard. To speed things up, we pre-split the 8 background points into three backgrounds: 4-point, 3-point, and 1-point.

Level 2 pregens (PDF) by Nathan Panke, Daniel Splitter, ASH Law, Cal Moore and Wade Rockett – revised 28 August 2013:

Level 2 pregens from Make Your Own Luck (PDF): Human Paladin, Half-Elf Bard, Elf Wizard, Dwarf Barbarian, Halfling Rogue and Human Cleric.

Level 3 pregens from At Land’s Edge (PDF by Sean Dunstan): Dark Elf Paladin, Dwarf Wizard, Halfling Sorcerer, Half-Orc Rogue, Human Commander and Human Fighter.

Level 6 pregens from Swords Against Owlbears (PDF): Tiefling Paladin, Human Rogue, Gnome Barbarian, Half-Elf Sorcerer, Dark Elf Cleric, and Human Druid.

Third Party and Fan-Created Pre-Generated Characters

Pre-generated characters (PDF) by Sarah Miller and Ben Roby

  • Group 1  – Level 2 Half-Orc Barbarian, Gnome Bard, Elf Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Human Paladin, Half-Elf Ranger, Halfing Rogue, Dark Elf Sorcerer, High-Elf Wizard
  • Group 2 – Level 2 Gnome Barbarian, High Elf Bard, Dark Elf Cleric, Halfling Fighter, Dwarf Hunter, Wood Elf Paladin, Half-Orc Rogue, Half Elf Sorcerer and Human Wizard
  • Group 3 – Level 2 Wood Elf Barbarian, Half Elf Bard, Holy One Cleric, Draconic Fighter, Forgeborn Paladin, Human Ranger, Gnome Rogue, Demontouched Sorcerer and Dark Elf Wizard.
  • Group 4 – Level 2 Forgeborn Barbarian, Holy One Paladin, High Elf Ranger, Half-Orc Fighter, Draconic Rogue, Demontouched Bard, Dwarf Cleric, Wood Elf Sorcer and Halfling Wizard
  • Group 5 – Level 4 Wood Elf Barbarian, Half Elf Bard, Holy One Cleric, Draconic Fighter, Forgeborn Paladin, Human Ranger, Gnome Rogue, Demontouched Sorcerer and Dark Elf Wizard.

Level 2 Midgard Campaign Setting pregens (.zip PDFs) by J. Michael Bestul, with Midgard icons by Wade Rockett and magic items by ASH LAW and Wade Rockett: Dwarf Barbarian, Elfmarked Druid, Human Cleric, Kobold Ranger, Minotaur Bard, Ravenfolk Fighter.

Level 3 pregens from Campaign Coins (.zip PDFs) level 3 by Jackson Heenan: Dark Elf Monk, Derro Wizard, Human Necromancer, Goblin Rogue. AUTHOR’S NOTE: “This party was created for The First Bank of Drakkenhall, a heist adventure of stealth and skulduggery. As such, they are somewhat dodgy, shady characters that you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley in the City of Monsters. Also attached is a list of suggested magic items that would serve them in such endeavors. Also, the goblin and derro, being unofficial player races, have homebrew powers that probably aren’t perfectly balanced.”

Third-Party and Fan-Created Game Aids and Supplements

Character sheets
Let’s Play Podcasts & Videos

Actual Play Blog Posts
13th Age Blogs