Out here in the Bleed, you’re the closest thing there is to a higher authority. You’re Licensed Autonomous Zone Effectuators —”lasers” for short. You’re the seasoned freelancers that local leaders call whenever a situation is too tough, too baffling, or simply too weird for them to handle. It’s a dirty job, but it pays. And sometimes, you get to make a difference.
Here you’ll find official materials as well as useful game resources and play aids. A link to a third-party site doesn’t mean that we agree with or endorse all of the opinions on that site. The resources are available under the Community Use policy, and all are copyright Pelgrane Press Ltd unless otherwise noted.
Download Stowaway – the Ashen Stars 30-minute demo. Includes pregenerated characters.
If you want to introduce your players to Ashen Stars, it’s much easier to get them into it if it just takes up 20 minutes of their valuable time at the beginning or end of a session. It’s also a great convention demo.
Listen to Kevin Kulp run the Stowaway quick start demo for Ashen Stars:
Download here
Thanks to the players: Tim Crosby, Chris O’Gahan, Leah Shuldiner