“He had lately become a devotee of the William Mortensen school of photography. Mortensen, of course, is the leading exponent of fantasy in photography; his monstrosities and grotesques are widely known.” — Robert Bloch, “The Sorcerer’s Jewel” (1939) William H. Mortensen, the “leading exponent of fantasy in photography,” was born in Park City, Utah in […]
Author Archives: Kenneth Hite
“Colonel Buchan’s novel Greenmantle has more than a flavor of truth …” — T.E. Lawrence, to Robert Graves In Britain, the first rank of spy novelists has long included writers from the ranks of actual intelligence agencies: John Buchan (British Army Intelligence Corps), Somerset Maugham (MI6), Graham Greene (MI6), Dennis Wheatley (London Controlling Section of […]
“Everybody likes a fireworks show.” — Samuel Cummings, president of the International Armament Corporation If, as the Beatles assured us, happiness is a warm gun, the happiest place on Earth between 1953 and 1968 is the Alexandria, Virginia warehouse complex of Interarms, the International Armament Corporation. In 1968 it holds between 650,000 and 800,000 military-surplus […]
“When you ask who built this mound, the only answer is the echo of your own question within the vault that has been hidden in darkness within this mound for no one knows how many centuries. The dead past has surely buried its dead within the mound.” — artifact collector J.G. Braecklein, quoted in the […]
“Professor Webb had been engaged, forty-eight years before, in a tour of Greenland and Iceland in search of some Runic inscriptions which he failed to unearth …” — H.P. Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu” Instead of “Runic inscriptions,” in 1860 Professor Webb finds Cthulhu in West Greenland, on a rocky ledge in the cold. But […]
“Monk was asking Vida Carlaw, ‘Do you believe a mysterious jellylike creature did any killing?’ The girl hesitated, nipping at her lips. ‘You probably think I’m foolish, but, after all, no one really knows what is in the depths of the earth. Of course, scientists have a general idea, but there may be—things—down there that […]
“My shadowy visage, grey with grief, In sunken waters walled with sand, I see — where all mine ancient land Lies yellow like an autumn leaf.” — Clark Ashton Smith, “The Kingdom of Shadows” Robin has staked out Paris with his customary élan, and Robert Chambers has toured us through Brittany, but there’s at least […]
“Another queer happening, of a totally different kind, occurred four or five years ago. A woman‐friend and I were out walking one night in a lane near Auburn, when a dark, lightless and silent object passed over us against the stars with projectile‐like speed. The thing was too large and swift for any bird, and […]
Bugs! Everywhere you look there’s another kind of bug Makes you want to get a club and clout ’em Yes everybody’s talking bout the worrysome bugs But ain’t nobody doing nothing about ’em … Bugs! Everywhere you look there’s another type of bug But if ya live in the delta ya got ’em … — […]
For the long cases they seized proved upon opening to contain some exceedingly gruesome things; so gruesome, in fact, that the matter could not be kept quiet amongst the denizens of the underworld. — H.P. Lovecraft, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Although DELTA GREEN keeps most of its attention focused north of Boston during […]