Tag Archives: Bookhounds of London

Rosemary Justice

ROSEMARY JUSTICE by Adam Gauntlett In which the Bookhounds attend an auction at a pub on Rosemary Lane and discover a peculiar phantom. 0 Point Clues Rosemary Lane, renamed Royal Mint Lane in 1850, was until recently a notorious spot for thieves and street-sellers. It was one of the largest street markets in London, but […]

Elspeth Covington

An NPC for Trail of Cthulhu Socialite, arts patron and oracle Elspeth Covington (1896-1955) cut a swath through occult circles in the 1930s and beyond, amassing a surprising circle of intimates in London, Paris, and Los Angeles. Born Elisabeth Doyle in Provincetown, she adopted the stopgap moniker Eliza Dunnock during a stint in New York […]

See the Black Book GM Tools, then Join the Beta!

by Steven Hammond Gen Con was a blast this year. I played a few games, talked to people I only see at Gen Con, and spent several hours helping out in the Pelgrane Booth. I had fun chatting with all the GUMSHOE and Black Book fans that stopped by. If you picked up a flyer […]

Pepys’ Broadsides

A Bookhounds of London adventure seed by Adam Gauntlett The Bookhounds are asked whether or not some broadside ballads found by a builder really belonged to famed diarist Samuel Pepys, only to discover that the ballads might get them killed. Broadside Ballads This information is a 0 point spend, Bibliography, History, Library Use or similar: […]

The Vampire’s Ring

by Adam Gauntlett The Vampire The opening of a new Odeon cinema sparks a vampire craze, and presents the Bookhounds with an unusual opportunity for profit. This is nominally set in 1936, the year Dracula’s Daughter is released, but could be restaged at the Keeper’s convenience. Odeon The Odeon chain of cinemas get their start […]

The Great Omar

A Bookhounds of London rare tome by Mike Drew Keepers of Bookhounds of London may find themselves growing tired of the same old mythos tomes. How many copies of the Necronomicon can be discovered in mouldy crypts before they become rote? Here then is a real world tome along with possible ways for it to […]

The Church of Little St Hugh and its “Heretic’s Library”

A resource for Bookhounds of London, by James Haughton and Bret Kramer  Just off Charterhouse Street in Smithfield is a vacant lot adjacent to the newly built power station. There are the charred remains of a slate floor, a few cracked sandstone blocks, and a wrought iron plaque stating “Here stood the Church of Little St. Hugh, […]

Call of Chicago: The Hand of Glory

“Look! It burns clear, but with the air around, Its dead ingredients mingle deathliness.” — Robert Southey, Thalaba the Destroyer, a.k.a. “The Other Other Romantic Vampire Poem, You Know, The One That Gets No Respect” From Gerard de Nerval to Harry Potter to the pub-rockin’ Smithereens, the Hand of Glory knocks so sneakily at our culture that […]

Call of Chicago: A Sort of Sortilege

In Bram Stoker’s original Notes for Dracula, we find the following cryptic line: Lawyer – (Sortes Virgilianae) conveyance of body Stoker originally thought perhaps the “lawyer” character Peter Hawkins, mostly written out of the book, would perform the sortes Virgilianae, literally the “Virgilian lots,” to find out how his new client would work out. Both […]

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