In the latest installment of their bibliomaniacal podcast, Ken and Robin talk Bookhounds of Timewatch, Peter Adkison, the Borellus Connection, and astronomer George Ellery Hale’s elf adviser.
Category Archives: Fall of Delta Green
A category for the GUMSHOE game Fall of Delta Green
In the latest episode of their dreamlike podcast, Ken and Robin talk Temu horror, Project Coldfeet, Maya Deren, and the 1826 Lao rebellion.
One of the more curious subplots in The Borellus Connection involves an Agent attracting the attention of the god Hypnos (p. 035 of the massive tome). We call out several places where Hypnos (or “Samuel Loveman”) might intercede, but if you wish to delve into the perilous regions of slumber, here are some added options: […]
“In the moonlight opposite me were three young women, ladies by their dress and manner. I thought at the time that I must be dreaming when I saw them, for, though the moonlight was behind them, they threw no shadow on the floor. … There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing […]
In the latest episode of their arachnorecycling podcast, Ken and Robin talk psychedelic toad humanoids, necrobotic spiders, ruralism in fantasy, and Uri Geller’s micronation.
The BORELLUS CONNECTION manuscript was too nightmarish and vast to be constrained by any binding our printer could conceive; therefore, we were obliged to remove some material from the book. It’s preserved here as a series of Page XX articles. As Orne’s mysterious correspondent in Philadelphia warned us, “no Part must be missing if the finest Effects are […]
In the latest episode of their sweet, saucy podcast, Ken and Robin talk playing mastermind characters, the case of the missing handball team, the McRib, and the Greek War of Independence.
In the latest episode of their hunka hunka burnin’ podcast, Ken and Robin talk introductory scenarios, Mythos Elvis, superheroes from Carcosa, and corpse dowsing.
Layout & interiors artist Jen McCleary sent me through a sample of the final The Borellus Connection art and it is like a blissful and horrific exploration of the drug-fuelled theme. Here are some small crops of what she’s created so far.
In the latest episode of their well-circulated podcast, Ken and Robin talk scenario diagnostics, the Kent State massacre, choosing settings for The Yellow King, and Raimondo di Sangro’s anatomical machines.