In Episode 621 of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, at the request of beloved Patreon backer Ryan McCelland, Ken and Robin brainstorm some extra Trail occupations. As they’ve done the fun bit of coming up with the concepts, it falls to Gar to do the numbers bit. Explorer Also works for guide, big game […]
Category Archives: Trail of Cthulhu
A few backers have asked why Trail 2nd Edition sticks to the old GUMSHOE method of having point Spends for each individual investigative ability, instead of switching to the Pushes used in the Yellow King/GUMSHOE One-2-One and Mutant City Blues. There’s no standalone GUMSHOE rules engine – each game takes the precepts and techniques and […]
In the latest episode of their headgear-accepting podcast, Ken and Robin talk despised medieval occupations, New York City’s straw hat riots, making the zoog scary, and the hodag.
In the latest episodeof their big-horned podcast, Ken and Robin talk alternate Occupations for Trail of Cthulhu (plus Robin’s beef with the Sailor and Pilot), the Barker-Karpis gang, rogue mountain sheep cloning, and the Kalmar Crusade.
After months of waiting, we’re thrilled to announce that Trail of Cthulhu Second Edition is live on Backerkit! The campaign features the new, extended core book and Boundary of the Darkness, containing two 1800s campaign settings for Trail of Cthulhu 2e – the natural philosophers of the Lunar Society, and the erudite wordsmiths of the […]
In the latest episode of their well-organized podcast, Ken and Robin talk character sheet design, the sunken city of Rungholt, designer Anthony Joyce-Rivera, and spiritualist medical grave robber Joseph Nash McDowell.
In the latest episode of their home run podcast, Ken and Robin talk measurable levels in F20, baseball pro spy Moe Berg, a 1930s swanky lunch, & coroner and Golden Dawn co-founder William Wynn Westcott.
In the latest episode of their democracy-advocating podcast Ken and Robin talk changes to Trail of Cthulhu character creation, RVIFF highlights, designer Taylor Navarro, and saving Jan Masaryk.
In the latest episode of their sur-Alaskan podcast, Ken and Robin talk small town Oklahoma Trail of Cthulhu GMCs, Kentucky’s anti-dueling oath of office, an alternate King in Yellow, and the phantom city hoax.
In the latest episode of their softly treading podcast, Ken and Robin talk gaming high-level incompetence, the burglar called Flannelfoot, sequel first acts, and the key tomes of American folk magic.