Narcocorrido: December Series Pitch for DramaSystem

Narcocorrido“I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger.”

—Walter White, Breaking Bad

Every month the DramaSystem Series Pitch of the Month Club brings you a new and unique series pitch for the Hillfolk RPG. For December, Jesse Scoble draws you into the dark and violent world of border drug trafficking with Narcocorrido.

Here, narcotraficantes and the Border Patrol circle each other on the imaginary line that separates North and South, probing for weakness under the merciless sun. Assassins are made the heroes of pop ballad narcocorridos, and most fame and fortune ends with a buzzard circling a shallow grave.

Mi trabajo y valor me ha costado
Manejar los contactos que tengo
Muchos quieren escalar mi altura
Nomas miro que se van callendo
Han querido arañar mi corona
Los que intentan se han ido muriendo.

—Los Tigres Del Norte, “Jefe De Jefes”

Narcocorrido’s main cast centers around one of the principal groups tied up with the border:

  • A law enforcement group such as Border Patrol or Mexican Federales
  • A criminal element such as La EME (the Mexican Mafia), Los Zetas, or the Sinaloa Cartel
  • Coyote smugglers
  • An independent operator such as Breaking Bad’s Heisenberg
  • A “Light Up the Border” citizens’ militia

Subscribe today and download Narcocorrido along with November’s pitch No Crowns, where the struggles of democracy and free market capitalism erupt in a high fantasy world of magic and steel.


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