In case you’ve been getting ready for Thanksgiving and Black Friday and missed the whole thing, our Dracula Dossier Kickstarter has only five days left to go! We’re into the home strait now, and only seventeen backers away from an incredible 1,000. The excitement is getting to me – the type on my F5 key is barely visible any more! Now’s a great time to go and back it if you haven’t already, as we’ve just added a raft of add-ons to the project so you can pick up some Black Friday bargains while you’re there. As well as all the Kickstarter goodies, we’ve also got the long-awaited Eyes of the Stone Thief on pre-order.
The GUMSHOE/Vancean crossover game The Gaean Reach and its companion, The Gaean Reach Gazetteer, are now available to buy as PDFs in the webstore, as is the ten-adventure Trail of Cthulhu collection Mythos Expeditions. KWAS subscribers will get the December edition, Vendetta Run, this month; meanwhile, non-subscribers can now buy Hideous Creatures: Byakhee as a stand-alone product in the shop.
New Releases
- Eyes of the Stone Thief pre-order – The Stone Thief is the most ancient and cunning living dungeon, and now it’s got your scent. Kill it before it kills you in this massive 360-page campaign for 13th Age.
- Mythos Expeditions PDF – Follow the trail of Cthulhu to isolated Pacific islands, into the icy wastes of the Arctic, through jungles and war zones and even off the Earth itself in this ten-adventure collection for Trail of Cthulhu.
- The Gaean Reach Roleplaying Game PDF – Hunt down your arch-nemesis Quandos Vorn in this game of interstellar vengeance set in Jack Vance’s classic science fiction cycle
- The Gaean Reach Gazetteer PDF – An exhaustive cataloging of the planets and places of The Gaean Reach
- Hideous Creatures: Byakhee – Servants of Hastur or misperceived shantaks? Astral psychopomps or sidereal scavengers? Climb aboard the byakhee and find out!
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Find out what’s new from Simon Rogers
- Achievements for the Dracula Dossier – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan provides a list of custom achievements for the upcoming Dracula Dossier campaign
- ProFantasy, Meet Pelgrane – Maps and Magic – Simon Rogers shows off ProFantasy’s cartography software and how we’ve used it in Pelgrane
- Call of Chicago: If I Had a Hammer – Kenneth Hite looks at what didn’t make it into the upcoming Dracula Dossier campaign
- The Spanish Civil War’s Surrealist Torture Chamber – Robin D. Laws explains how to mash up the Spanish Civil war setting of Adam Gauntlett’s Soldiers of Pen and Ink and the Dreamlands exploration of Dreamhounds of Paris
- Five Known Associates of Quandos Vorn – William Jobst runs through some of the strange inhabitants of The Gaean Reach who may be able to help you find your sworn enemy
- See Page XX – Loving the Dreamhounds – Robin D. Laws explains what he thinks of surrealist art (thanks to Tony Williams for the question!)
- November playtesting – This month’s line-up features a new campaign for the Esoterrorists, a new adventure for The Gaean Reach, Battle Scenes for 13th Age and Shards of the Broken Sky
13th Age
- 13th Sage – Escape the Grab – Rob Heinsoo explains what he’s actually doing in his games when a monster grabs someone (and it’s not using the grab rules)
- 13th Age ThawCon part 2: Preparation – Simon Rogers looks at the upcoming Battle Scenes in the next installment of his ThawCon reporting
Other Resource page updates
- Trail of Cthulhu Resource page – added Tony Williams’ A4 Pulp Trail of Cthulhu fillable character sheet
- DramaSystem Resource page – now added some downloadable forms, and collated Robin’s articles. Please do email me with if you have any resources to share!
See Page XX Poll