It’s been bitterly cold and miserable here in London for the last few weeks, so we’ve been keeping ourselves warm with frenetic activity. This has paid off in the form of not one, but two new products for 13th Age – the launch of our 13th Age subscription product, 13th Age Monthly, with the Dragon Riding edition and a fantastic 13th Age Soundtrack album by composer James Semple and some scarily famous musicians. KWAS subscribers are well treated this month with the bumper latest edition, GUMSHOE Zoom: Goëtia, and the January edition, Hideous Creatures: Rat-Things is now available in the webstore.
New Releases
- 13th Age Monthly – The subscription product for 13th Age brings goodness for GMs and players every month for a full year.
- Dragon Riding – The first edition of 13th Age Monthly is also available as a stand-alone product
- 13th Age Soundtrack – Thirty thrilling tunes specifically composed for 13th Age
- Hideous Creatures: Rat-Things – the truly horrific latest edition of Ken Writes About Stuff
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Find out what’s new, by Simon Rogers
- Pelgrane Biz Post – Simon Rogers looks at how 2014 was for Pelgrane, featuring bad graphs and good news
- See P. XX: Running Haunted House Horror – Robin D. Laws provides a plot template for The Esoterrorists or Trail of Cthulhu. which pits a seasoned group of paranormal investigators against a home infested by supernatural menace.
- Great Player Tactics for TimeWatch – We raid the TimeWatch manuscript and grab a chunk of advice novice TimeWatch agents wished they’d had before they were swallowed by a chronal anomaly
- Memo from a Soviet Archive – Robin D. Laws sheds light on the complicated relationship between the Dreamhounds of Paris and both the French Communist Party (PCF) and the intelligence arm of its Soviet masters.
- Call of Chicago: Three Demons But Not The Demons Three – Kenneth Hite makes sure to stats for the demons that didn’t make it into GUMSHOE Zoom: Goëtia, as demons can be tricksy
- The Great Invisibles – Robin D. Laws looks at surrealist events that might impacts Dreamhounds of Paris surrealists outside of the 1920s and 1930s
- January playtesting – Still open for playtesting are a new campaign for The Esoterrorists, a new adventure for The Gaean Reach and Battle Scenes for 13th Age.
13th Age
- The Plain People of Gaming: Trapped In The Stone Thief – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan looks at some of the people who are permanently resident in the belly of the Stone Thief, the most famous Living Dungeon
- 13th Age – Behind the Music – a preview of the 13th Age soundtrack album, available now!
- 13th Age at ThawCon Part 3– More from Simon Rogers’ home game group as they encounter 13th Age for the first time.
Resource page updates
- Trail of Cthulhu – A new page for newer GMs and players featuring questions, Actual Play videos and audio is available here
See Page XX Poll