Hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas, and are all set for New Year’s Eve and a shiny new year in 2016! We’ve had a busy month, between our Pelgranista get-together at Dragonmeet in London, and soft launching our new look webstore, which is the first part of our website redesign. The new store design has given us the space to sell individual Series Pitches for the DramaSystem, as well as all the back issues of Ken Writes About Stuff, and over the coming months we’ll be updating it with new bundles and special offers.
To get the new store up and running with a bang, we’ve got two new releases to get it going – Seven Wonders, our much-discussed anthology of story games by up-and-coming UK-based designers, and the PDF of the Hawkins Papers, the extensive handout collection for the Dracula Dossier. We’ve got bumper collections of the subscription products, too, with the November and December editions of KWAS, Galileo Uplift and Las Vegas: 1968, and the November and December editions of 13th Age Monthly, The Waking Stones and Home Bases. KWAS Vol. 3 subscribers now have the December edition, Alchemy, on their order receipt pages – this will be available to non-subscribers at the end of January.
New Releases
- Seven Wonders – an anthology of one-shot story games, which introduces the next generation of UK games designers
- The Hawkins Papers – a PDF collection of maps, newspaper clippings, photos, and documents for the Dracula Dossier
- Galileo Uplift – Tech and gear for your high-powered MOON DUST MEN game, powered by a new GUMSHOE “tech tree” subystem
- Las Vegas: 1968 – Sin City in its heyday, with happening hooks for vampire conspiracies, esoterrorism, and THE FALL OF DELTA GREEN Mythos machinations
- The Waking Stones – a full 13th Age Bestiary-style writeup of an ancient stone race, reawakening in the 13th age
- Home Bases – new mechanics for 13th Age PCs to create their own castle, tavern, or sacred grove to call home and build stories around
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – All sorts of new things, and what’s next by Simon Rogers
- See Page XX: Outer Dark Intersections – An excerpt from an Ordo Veritatis threat analysis report on a new phenomenon, by Robin D. Laws
- The Siren Song of Crossover – Robin D. Laws on managing crossovers in different home campaigns
- Datavisualing the Dracula Dossier – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan shows how mapping the nodes visually can be a handy tool for the harried Director of the Dracula Dossier
- What You Know About a Crew That Rides a Hammer – Robin D. Laws on the assumptions you can make about Ashen Stars crew based on their ship
- 7 Galactic Treasures Allegedly Stolen By Quandos Vorn – Robin D. Laws suggests tracking your deadly Gaean Reach arch-nemesis through his thefts
- See P. XX: Making Trail Personal – Introduce Fear Itself mechanics to Trail of Cthulhu to make the horror more personal, says Robin D. Laws
- Call of Chicago: The Hand of Glory – Kenneth Hite looks at the Hand of Glory in Whitby Museum, which you may want to borrow for a Dracula Dossier campaign
- In Space No-One Can Tell It’s Solstice – Robin D. Laws looks at seasonal celebratory options on the Ashen Stars homeworlds
- Call of Chicago: Seeing Red Mercury – Kenneth Hite presents this modern conspiracy-tale qua urban legend as a Dracula Dossier item
- Mr. Verity Briefing: Night Light – Watch out for Christmas trees with the latest ODE briefing for The Esoterrorists, by Robin D. Laws
- The Plain People of Gaming: Dracula Dossier Motifs – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan on using motifs from Dracula to improvise in your Dracula Dossier campaign
- Contemporary-Era Trail Ability List – Robin D. Laws suggests abilities for using Trail of Cthulhu in a modern setting
- Malandros – A recently Kickstarted DramaSystem setting in a tight-knit community in the final year of the Empire of Brazil, by Tom McGrenery
- You Don’t Exist Anymore in the Spiritual Realm (Nor Will You Ever) – Robin D. Laws with a Fear Itself scenario premise
13th Age
- 13th Age Organized Play: November 2015 Update – Wade Rockett keeps you current with the 13th Age Alliance
- 13th Sage: Secret Origins of the Escalation Die – Rob Heinsoo on where the idea for the Escalation Die mechanic comes from
- 13th Sage: Too Forceful a Salvo? – Here’s how Rob Heinsoo handles force salvo when it’s combined with Evocation in his 13th Age game
- The GM’s Screen and Resource Book Is Printing – Simon Rogers goes behind the scenes to show the GM screens on the presses
See Page XX Poll