The weather’s been miserable for the last few weeks, so I’ve been cheering myself up with virtual holidays in the sunny foreign climes of the Dragon Empire, going through the maps of the first of our Battle Scenes book, High Magic & Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons, and its accompanying map folio, which you can buy together as a special pre-order only bundle in the webstore. I highly recommend a trip white-water rafting with orcs to take your mind off the rain. We’ve also been working on the final print version of our one-shot story game anthology, Seven Wonders, which I’m still excited about – I think it’s going to make a great hardback.
We’ve pulled together all the individual issues of 13th Age Monthly subscription into Volume 1, and set up the second installment of the subscription, which launches this month with Rakshashas & Reavers. KWAS subscribers now have the February edition, Bast, available on their order pages – this will be available generally at the end of February. The January edition, Alchemy, is now on sale in the store.
New Releases
- High Magic & Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons – the first Battle Scenes book includes battles against enemies connected to the Orc Lord, Prince of Shadows, Archmage, High Druid, and The Three
- High Magic & Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons Map Folio – a print collection of 45 maps from High Magic & Low Cunning, in glorious full color by expert cartographers
- Seven Wonders – an anthology of one-shot story games, which introduces the next generation of UK games designers
- Alchemy – the latest edition of Ken Writes About Stuff allows you to Zoom in on a historical magic system for GUMSHOE gaming
- 13th Age Monthly subscription – get a second full year of all-new 13th Age RPG goodness for GMs and players every month
- 13th Age Monthly – Volume 1 – grab the collected first year of 13th Age Monthly
- Rakshashas & Reavers – & Really Angry Kobolds. Kick off the second year of 13th Age Monthly with a rang
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Ten years of GUMSHOE, what was, what’s now and and what’s next by Simon Rogers
- TV Goes MCB – Robin D. Laws looks at the impact the change in procedural cop shows has on Mutant City Blues
- Call of Chicago: Hidden Humanoids of Vietnam – Kenneth Hite looks at stuff we might not have space for in Fall of Delta Green
- See P. XX: Lies as Red Herrings – Robin D. Laws looks at using the Bullshit Detector ability in a non-game-breaking way
- Pelgrane needs YOU! – Cat Tobin’s annual reminder that we are always looking for GMs to run games at conventions
- The Plain People of Gaming: Return to Mandible – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan writes up the ship which was left out of Accretion Disk, the expansion for Ashen Stars
- That Tome with the Volvelle In It – Robin D. Laws looks at the impact of volvelles on clue-gathering Trail of Cthulhu investigators
13th Age
- Build your own 13th Age battles – Ian Chilvers talks about the encounter manager he designed
- 13th Sage: Icon Riffs for the Prince of Shadows and Dwarf King – Rob Heinsoo and Wade Rockett offer inspiration for adventure design and improvisation at your 13th Age table
- 13th Age Organized Play: January 2016 Update – Wade Rockett keeps you current with the 13th Age Alliance
13th Age Resource Page Update
- 13th Age Encounter Manager – Thanks to Ian Chilvers for the link