March is here, and with it comes spring (hooray!), an occasional glimpse of sunshine, and a host of Pelgranista birthdays, with Gareth, Cat, and Rob Heinsoo all celebrating another spin around the sun this month (congrats!). This month, we’re releasing the Night’s Black Agents PDF adventure The Dubai Reckoning (which includes the EPUB and MOBI). The third installment of the 13th Age Monthly subscription, Sorcerer Summoning, is now available in the store and on subscriber bookshelves. KWAS subscribers now have the exclusive bonus edition, Foul Congeries 3, featuring the lesser spotted Gaseous Wraith, Raktajihva, and Y’m-bhi, available to download from their bookshelf; the March edition, Unspeakable Cults: The Starry Wisdom, is now on sale in the store. Sadly, this will be the last Ken Writes About Stuff for a while, while Ken focuses on Writing Stuff about the Fall of Delta Green.
New Releases
- The Dubai Reckoning – the rescue of a kidnap victim leads the PCs into the shady world of corporate espionage, in this adventure for Night’s Black Agents by John Adamus
- 13th Age GM Screen and Resource Guide PDF – the printable PDF format 13th Age GM screen and 64-page resource book
- Sorcerer Summoning – spells for 13th Age sorcerers, featuring lightning drakes, flux elementals, burnout elementals, and the undead toady
- Unspeakable Cults: The Starry Wisdom – in our final issue, Kenneth Hite gives the Hideous Creatures treatment not to one beast but to a whole cult — the “disliked and unorthodox Starry Wisdom sect”
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Simon Rogers goes through GUMSHOE updates, 13th Age and TimeWatch layout samples
- Can We Have the Room, Please? – Robin D. Laws sends GMCs out of the room as a power move in DramaSystem
- Stories of Another Time and Place: The Importance of Getting it Right – Victor J Raymond PhD, the cultural consultant on Trembling Giant for Out of the Woods, talks about the challenge of writing what you know, or don’t know, in RPGs
- See P. XX: Four Heroes and a Murder Hobo – Robin D. Laws on portraying the logical consequences of blatant murderhoboism
- Spooky Significance – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan on exploiting the trust relationship between players and GMs in horror adventures
- 5 Horror Scenario Hooks That Start In an Escape Room – Robin D. Laws uses these convenient locked rooms as story hooks for five Fear Itself adventures
- Giving Out Clues in GUMSHOE – An excerpt from The Esoterrorists 2nd Edition, explaining how clues work in GUMSHOE
- Lost in Smoke – a grieving man of means has picked up an unusual drug habit, in this scenario hook for Trail of Cthulhu by Robin D. Laws
- Fear Itself Designer’s Notes – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan looks at what’s new and different in the forthcoming Fear Itself 2nd Edition
- March playtesting – Playtest two Ashen Stars adventures this month
13th Age
- 13th Sage: 13 Curious Things that Goblins Do – Jonathan Tweet reveals some little-known goblin facts
- Three Powerful Months – Rob Heinsoo talks about the new season of the 13th Age Monthly subscription
- 13th Age Organized Play: March 2016 Update – Wade Rockett keeps you current with the 13th Age Alliance
Trail of Cthulhu Resource Page Updates
- Tony Williams has written up an Enchiridion of Elucidation, a guidebook for Trail of Cthulhu for both players and Keepers, with advice on playing the game
See Page XX Poll