It’s convention season again, and we’re dashing around from place to place, delighted to catch up with customers and colleagues in such far-flung destinations as Birmingham, UK and Columbus, OH. If you can’t make it to your local convention, you can pick up our latest releases as they happen here on See Page XX, with the luxuriously tentacled Cthulhu City Limited Edition now available. Getting closer to print now are the pre-orders for the long-awaited 13th Age sandbox campaign Shards of the Broken Sky, and the simultaneously gritty and super-powered police procedural Mutant City Blues 2nd Edition, as well as the pre-orders for the four-panel Director’s Screen and Resource Guide, and the solitary Night’s Black Agents: Solo Ops.
New Releases
- Cthulhu City Limited Edition – The tentacled, faux leatherbound edition of that place born from all of Lovecraft’s creations, and governed by servitors of the Old Ones – Great Arkham, the Cthulhu City.
- Shards of the Broken Sky – Pre-order this 13th Age sandbox campaign, and get the pre-layout PDF now
- Mutant City Blues 2nd Edition – Pre-order the updated and expanded mutant-powered police procedural GUMSHOE game, and get the pre-layout PDF now
- Night’s Black Agents: Solo Ops – Pre-order the new GUMSHOE One-2-One game with a Night’s Black Agents flavour, and get the pre-layout PDF now
- Even Death Can Die – Pre-order this adventure collection for Cthulhu Confidential and get the pre-edit draft PDF now
- Night’s Black Agents Director’s Screen and Resource Guide – Pre-order the full-colour, 4-panel Director’s Screen for Night’s Black Agents, and get the PDF now
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Cat Tobin with what’s new in the Nest
- See Page XX: DELTA GREEN Meets the Dreamhounds (Part 1) – Robin D. Laws with a series of The Fall of DELTA GREEN plot hooks, centered around the historical figures from Dreamhounds of Paris who survived into the 1960s
- Call of Chicago: Pulling Strings, Part 2– Kenneth Hite concludes his look at some strings that The Fall of DELTA GREEN Agents might pull, and outcomes they might pursue
- The Plain People of Gaming: The Fall of Cthulhu City – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan adapts the 1930s Great Arkham of Cthulhu City for the 1960s setting of The Fall of DELTA GREEN
- Three Things About Eversink: Swords of the Serpentine’s Core Setting – Kevin Kulp on the key geographical location of Swords of the Serpentine
- Dreamhounds of the Pop Art Sixties – Robin D. Laws on connecting a current The Fall of DELTA GREEN campaign to a previous Dreamhounds of Paris series via a callback or two
- Plague Ship – Who, or what, killed Larry and Paula Charters aboard the Festival Allure? A scenario seed for The Esoterrorists by Adam Gauntlett
- Pelgrane Press Seeks Administrative Assistant – We’re recruiting for an Administrative Assistant to join our team
- GMs wanted for Gen Con – We urgently need GMs to pick up a few remaining games. Please halp!
- June playtesting – Playtest the adventures for The Fall of DELTA GREEN adventure collection, The Borellus Connection
13th Age
- 13th Sage: Class Stories for Shards – Rob Heinsoo on what specific character classes can find in a Shards of the Broken Sky campaign
- The Iconic podcast brings you 13th Age news, reviews, and interviews. You can listen to the latest episodes here:
S03 Ep3 – Being a Better GMS03 Ep4 – Ending a Campaign
See Page XX Poll