The 13th Age Bestiary Hatchling Edition is on its last legs! Buy the 13th Age Bestiary before 12:00 UTC Friday and get your name in the credits. Buy
Tag Archives: 13th Age Bestiary
by Ryven Cedrylle The Uchawa (taken from the Old Gnomish Uczaáła “sand-borer”) is a gigantic crustacean found beneath the sands of many of the world’s deserts. Uchawa have a yellow-orange carapace, a dozen short reddish legs protruding from the underside and four forward-facing arms, each ending in a three-pincered claw. The claws are capable of […]
We’ve provided the fine folks at with an exclusive preview of the white dragon from the upcoming 13th Age Bestiary. This full-colour PDF includes the white dragon hatchling, cenotaph dragon, mausoleum dragon, blizzard dragon and moon dragon. You’ll also find adventure hooks, advice on building battles with these monsters, and their relationship to the […]
By Rob Heinsoo This week’s playtest of the new commander and the half-revised monk went well. Commander In the commander’s case I didn’t make any changes after the playtest. Partly that’s because the design is in OK shape for now. Partly it’s because Thorinn, the 5th level dwarf commander who used to be a bard, […]
by Rob Heinsoo Everyone else seems to be decorating for Halloween so I thought we’d meet the holiday on the threshold with a horror-tinted monster preview from the 13th Age Bestiary. The dybbuk is a creature from Jewish mythology. The version ASH LAW designed takes just as much from Japanese and Korean horror films. Rich Longmore’s […]
Rob Heinsoo had a few minutes to spare before it was time to feed the miniature koru behemoths who migrate ceaselessly through his back yard, and shared some insights on the new 13th Age Bestiary and 13 True Ways: The 13th Age Bestiary is now available for pre-order and pre-publication playtesting! Like the Escalation Edition for the original 13th […]
The 13th Age Bestiary – Hatchling Edition is now available to pre-order in the webstore.
Jump to the Rules FAQ 13th Age core book What is 13th Age? 13th Age combines the best parts of traditional d20-rolling fantasy gaming with new story-focused rules, designed so you can run the kind of game you most want to play with your group. Created by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, 13th Age gives you all the tools you need to make unique […]
by ASH Law In this article I’m going to talk about a new playable race for 13th Age, but before I get there let me meander for a bit. As some of you might know I’m currently working with Rob and a handful of talented writers on the bestiary for 13th Age. At the […]
Rob Heinsoo burrowed his way out of the ground, startling the Pelgrane staff tremendously, and delivered this 13 True Ways update. 13th Age is almost here! Quick – reserve your copy today at the Pelgrane Shop or your local game store and download the finished PDF! Matt Nelson entered the Monster Art +13 contest for […]