This was, without doubt, the best Dragonmeet we’ve had. Robin Laws and Ken Hite were present, truly splendid and affable guests. Pelgrane Press co-founder Sasha and his daughter Freya were there, helpful as always, and Beth enjoyed her first Con, impressing the stalwarts with her knowledge of Lovecraft and the GUMSHOE line. On the adjacent stall, Graham Walmsley was selling things he likes, which included the forthcoming Rending Box, the fourth installment in his Purist series and the first part of the Cthulhu Apocalypse collection.
Of our team of musicians for Eternal Lies, James Semple, Marie-Anne Fischer and Mike Torr were present. James is a veteran Call of Cthulhu Keeper, but Mike and Marie-Anne had not played roleplaying games After a bout of cold feet, Steve Dempsey took them through his half-hour Trail demo. He was able to miss out a lot of it, for example “you don’t need to roll dice for information” on the basis that is wouldn’t have crossed their minds that would have to. They enjoyed it, with Marie-Anne saying she had been worried that she would have to make up a story, but instead could just imagine what Steve described and interact with it. The game forced them to make difficult choices, rather than making them passive observers. We’d been able to get the Eternal Lies Suite CD – one hour of music together in time for Dragonmeet, and we sold a decent number of copies.
We sold through our limited run Bookhounds edition, and ran out of Armitage Files. It was by far our best sales day at Dragonmeet, even putting aside the Bookhounds pre-orders for collection. The same is true of our sister company ProFantasy Software Ltd.
Robin and Ken ran a seminar on GUMSHOE and investigative games into which I was inveigled, and in turn inducted Gareth Hanrahan. It was packed, and the three podcast mikes made me feel like I was part of a press conference. I have yet to discover where the podcasts will be broadcast, but I’ll post when I find out. I’d guess
If anyone has any photos of our booth, Robin and Ken or anything Pelgrane related, I’d be grateful to see them
As at GenCon, all sales this year included the option of the PDF. If you haven’t received your link, then we’ve got your email address wrong – let us know.
Angus and the staff at Dragonmeet were very helpful, and the event ran as smoothly as it always does. I got the impression from other traders that sales were good all round, without any of the slightly depressing lulls you sometimes get an conventions.