I’ve been running a mini-series of Night’s Black Agents – the third season since I started the game. This post describes game prep. The team have a vampire encased in a block of concrete which they kept in a silo in the Crimea – but the Russians invaded, so they moved the body and the […]
Author Archives: Simon Rogers
Pelgrane Press and ProFantasy Software been attending Dragonmeet since 2001. It’s changed venue, organisers, and increased in size over the years, and it’s become the UK’s premier one day table top game convention.Only Gen Con provides more sales in a single day, and it has by far the highest spend per attendee. As an exhibitor, […]
Chaos Mage By ASH LAW The chaos mage is my second favorite class, right behind the wizard. It is certainly, in my opinion, the most fun class to play. The fun for me with this class is not in being effective in combat, but from being weird in combat and discovering what happens—because that is […]
Chaos Mage by ASH LAW The chaos mage is my second favorite class, right behind the wizard. It is certainly, in my opinion, the most fun class to play. The fun for me with this class is not in being effective in combat, but from being weird in combat and discovering what happens—because that is […]
This is my last View article for a while. Pelgrane Press’s managing director Cat Tobin will be taking over this column, and I’ll be stepping back into an advisory role as I take a year-long sabbatical. Cat asked me recently – what exactly is a pelgrane anyway? And I thought back to my own introduction […]
Friday the 13th Age is upon us once again! From Friday the 13th through Sunday the 15th, selected 13th Age Roleplaying Game products are on sale for 13% off at the Pelgrane store store, through this special link or using voucher code FRI@13THAGE in the store. The discount applies to our full range of products, […]
We are in the all-too-narrow gap between Origins and Gen Con, and the Nest is a hive of frenzied activity (if you’d forgive the mixed metaphor). Some new releases will make Gen Con, others won’t. Origins is a little like a relaxed dress rehearsal for Gen Con. It has shorter exhibition hours, and while it’s […]
Occultist by ASH LAW The occultist is an odd class—there is only ever one occultist in any campaign. The occultist is The occultist, singular. As the occultist you’ll need to pay careful attention to what is happening at the table. Most of the occultists powers involve rewinding time, nudging reality, and so forth. Your powers […]
Ocultist By ASH LAW The occultist is an odd class—there is only ever one occultist in any campaign. The occultist is The occultist, singular. As the occultist you’ll need to pay careful attention to what is happening at the table. Most of the occultists powers involve rewinding time, nudging reality, and so forth. Your powers […]
Game Masters. Most RPGs require them. Even the ones that don’t often have a facilitator or organizer. When it comes to selling RPGs, Game Masters are your bread and butter. A glance of the RPG products on my shelves shows me well over half them are GM-focused. While it is true player-focused books sell higher […]