See Page XX – February 2011

Welcome to the first 2011 edition of Page XX. Within, Robin D Law’s explores the non-clue-based advantages of the GUMSHOE system. Following the Trail theme, we have Project Covenant setting from Michael Dauman, Mike Drew’s intriguing Rise and Fall of a Book Collector, and the exceptional Dreamlands setting from Gareth Hanrahan as well as sample pages from the forthcoming Bookhounds and the Occult Guide. Finally, Ian Thomson has written The Royal Cartographers for the Dying Earth.

Ashen Stars Poll

We’ve been mulling over the Ashen Stars printing options for some time, hence, a poll. All options include hard back and full colour covers, it’s just the interior colour scheme we’re deciding on.

How would you like to see Ashen Stars produced?
Full colour throughout for around $50
Two colour text and images for around $40
Black and white text with colour plates and black and white images throughout for around $40
Other – please give suggestions in the comments free polls
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