This month’s See Page XX has a distinct Apocalyptic feel to it. Firstly we have the Apocalypse Competition to celebrate the release of The Dead White World. Next we have an article on the forthcoming stand-alone, post-apocalyptic game Razed by Will Hindmarch. Nathan Russell is the author of The Fallout, a post-apocalyptic, Mad-Max-esque playset for Jason Morningstar’s Fiasco.
Departing from the apocalypse, we present a taster of Ken Hite’s Night’s Black Agents and the central plank of Page XX – Robin D Laws addressing That Guy.
And of course, the Dying Earth returns with Ian Thomson’s adventure the Mountains of Magnatz, and the reopening of the Dying Earth store.
- That Guy by Robin D Laws. There’s always That Guy in a game group, here’s how to deal with him.
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest by Simon Rogers, the monthly round-up of all things Pelgrane.
- The Apocalypse Competition by Graham Walmsley, win up to 13 apocalypse-themed books.
- Razed: Civility by Will Hindmarch, examines the social and civil aspects of existing in the post-apocalypse.
- The Fallout by Nathan Russell is a complete, ready-to-play Fiasco playset (PDF).
- Night’s Black Agents Taster, the setting and modes of play ripped straight from the forthcoming book.