Neil Carr has written a fantastic report on crowdfunding. He has collated data from 150 RPG projects on Kickstarter, Indiegogo and other crowdfunding sites to give an insight into what makes one project successful and one fail miserably. It is a fascinating look at how different techniques, targets and perks can affect the outcome of a crowdfunding project.
Here is the link to the first of three parts of the 2011-2012 Report on 150 RPG Crowdfunding Reports.
Neil Carr is also starting his own Kickstarter project. Companions of the Firmament is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible product that focuses on deepening the role flight can have in adventures or campaigns. With in-depth analysis, guidance and modular rule support, this book will help players and gamemasters leave terra firma behind and explore the broad expanse of adventuring in the skies.