Beth Lewis is leaving Pelgrane Press to move to an almost tailor-made position as project editor with the excellent Titan Books, publisher of luminaries such as Kim Newman (Anno Dracula). While we will be sad to see her go, she leaves behind a much improved, much larger and more professional company than when she arrived. Already I am consoling freelance artists, loyal customers are weeping; while print salespeople are rubbing their hands.
Beth Lewis joined Pelgrane Press in May 2010 as a volunteer to scan maps for the awrd-winning Bookhounds of London, and within no time, and to my surprise, she was working for the company as a full time employee. While she has a publishing qualification, she taught herself many of her skills on the job, combining project management, art direction, editing, layout, print buying and a fearsome ability to charm money from shell-shocked convention goers. On the subject of conventions, Beth will be attending GenCon 2013 and I hope, will join the pantheon of heroes such as Sasha Bilton who join us at Dragonmeet each year. She will also be developing the New Gothic anthology for Stone Skin press: writers, go here.
She will be very hard to replace, but it is now our task to find such a replacement. The job advert is here.