We’ve added more reviews to the site about some of our newer releases and existing titles, which you might not have spotted out there on the internet. So here’s a round-up of what’s new:
- Jonathan Hicks’ review of Dust and Mirrors on RPGNet
- Jonathan Hicks reviews 13th Age over on RPGNet
- Paul Baldowski’s review of Looking Glass: Mumbai over on RPG Geek
- Over on the UK Roleplayers forum, Ragr has reviewed the Esoterror Fact Book
- On RPGNet, Kafka has reviewed The Esoterrorists 2nd edition
- The Justice Trade has also been reviewed by Kafka on RPGNet
- Another Kafka RPGNet review, this time about 13th Age
- On his defective yeti blog, Matthew Baldwin reviews Trail of Cthulhu
- A review of Eternal Lies on the Dreams in the Lich House blog