As the song goes, it’s beginning to look a lot like fishmen, and we’ve got a big haul of seasonal freebies for you, including new music from James Semple for The Esoterrorists, great resources for the DramaSystem by Jon Cole, bonus characters for Bill White’s adventure The Big Hoodoo, a new blank agent dossier and a German translation of Matt Breen’s awesome Night’s Black Agents character sheet. As well as this, we’ve got all the 13th Age PDFs you’ve been waiting for – 13 True Ways, Shadows of Eldolan and The Book of Loot. KWAS subscribers will get the properly awful Hideous Creatures: Rat-Things, and the Fear Itself/Owl Hoot Trail Weird West edition, Vendetta Run, is now available in the webstore. Happy holidays!
New Releases
- 13 True Ways PDF – The expansion book for 13th Age contains new classes, new monsters and a whole heap of stunning new art
- The Book of Loot PDF – A collection of magic items for 13th Age to be found, stolen, given as rewards or otherwise looted by the player characters.
- Shadows of Eldolan PDF – This first level adventure for 13th Age pits players against the problems brewing in the port town of Eldolan
- Vendetta Run – A survival-horror frame for Fear Itself and Owl Hoot Trail set in the worst and weirdest West.
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Find out what’s new from Simon Rogers
- Surrealist Flashcards – Robin D. Laws suggests ways of playing in the Dreamhounds of Paris sandbox
- Growing A Poison Tree – Scott Dorward takes us behind the scenes on the development on the new epic campaign for Trail of Cthulhu
- See P. XX: Films of the Dreamhounds – Robin D. Laws looks at films created by the surrealists of Dreamhounds of Paris
- Irrawaddy Landing – James Semple describes the inspiration for Irrawaddy Landing, his new Esoterrorists piece
- Call of Chicago: Celestial Spheres – Kenneth Hite brings you the Moon Dust Men–School of Night mash-up at least one of you asked for
- The Dreamhound that Got Away – Robin D. Laws looks at Yves Tanguy, the surrealist punk rebel
- Dracula Dossier Kickstarter – You Can Still Pledge – Pledges are open until February, find out more here
- Abadía de los Putrefactos – Robin D. Laws introduces a new location for Dreamhounds of Paris
- December playtesting – This month’s line-up features a new campaign for The Esoterrorists, a new adventure for The Gaean Reach, Battle Scenes for 13th Age and Shards of the Broken Sky
13th Age
- The Eyes of the Stone Thief trailer – Find out more about the Eyes of the Stone Thief, now available to pre-order
- The Plain People of Gaming – Dissecting the Dungeon – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan hacks up the megadungeon from Eyes of the Stone Thief
- 13th Age – Behind the Music a preview of next months 13th Age music album
- Eldritch Icons: The Druid and the Elk– Part one in a series that looks at replacing the 13th Age Icons with Weird Fiction counterparts (thanks to Ruth and The Illuminerdy for the post!)
- Sword-Mages – ASH LAW mixes up fighters and wizards to create the peanut butter and jelly of the fantasy genre
Resource page updates
- Night’s Black Agents Resource page
- Added a Blank agent dossier (pdf) by Karl Fordham
- Added a German language version of Matt Breen’s super fillable character sheet (thanks to Andreas Meier for the translation work!)
- DramaSystem Resource page – we’ve added in the following new resources, all by Jon Cole:
- DramaSystem Character Sheet. 2-sided, landscape orientation, with reference. Procedural rules references are to the advanced system from Blood on the Snow.
- DramaSystem GM Reference Sheet. Procedural rules references are to the advanced system from Blood on the Snow.
- Hillfolk One-Shot Playbooks. 9 quick-start character playbooks for Hillfolk including GM instructions on how to use. 2-sided, landscape orientation, folded into booklets.
- Bennie Calculator. Excel spreadsheet which automatically calculates who should get bennies at the end of a session.
- Trail of Cthulhu – Download a zip file with two extra characters for Bill White’s “The Big Hoodoo” adventure in Out of Time, Kleo Apostolides and Isaac Asimov.
- The Esoterrorists – Download Irrawaddy Landing, new music for The Esoterrorists by James Semple
See Page XX Poll