May you live in interesting times, goes the alleged Chinese curse; and it’s hard to think of more interesting times than the UK is currently experiencing. Many friends of the Nest have expressed concern about what Britain’s vote to exit the EU means for Pelgrane Press (and more importantly, their Dracula Dossier campaigns); Simon and Gareth tackle both issues in this month’s articles, below. Speaking of which, the Dracula Dossier is one of they many fine Pelgrane products which been nominated for some ENnies – vote here! For those of you who didn’t back the Kickstarter and want to know what all the fuss is about, this month sees the release of the remaining Dracula Dossier books, available either singly or as a discounted bundle. And continuing this month’s vampire theme, the latest edition of 13th Age Monthly, Temple of the Sun Cabal, sends the PCs to rescue a vampire from a neighbouring sun cult.
New Releases
- The Edom Field Manual – This supplement for the Dracula Dossier describes Edom’s history, methods, and tradecraft, initiating you into the innermost secrets of the British vampire program.
- The Edom Files – Eight desperate missions against the Un-Dead of the Dracula Dossier take you from the mountains of Bulgaria to the streets of Berlin; from the Russo-Turkish war to the War on Terror, and from 1877 to the present day.
- The Thrill of Dracula – Kenneth Hite takes apart Dracula into his component pieces, and shows you how to build new, yet mythic, stories about the King of the Vampires for your Dracula Dossier or other horror game
- Temple of the Sun Cabal – To save the world, you have to save a vampire – from the not-so-friendly neighborhood sun cult. A one-shot adventure by Wade Rockett is the latest edition of 13th Age Monthly.
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Simon Rogers on what’s new in the Nest
- Pelgrane Press and Brexit – Pelgrane Press will never surrender, promises Simon Rogers
- GUMSHOE One-2-One, Playtest Feedback and Acceptable Enjoyment Parameters – Robin D. Laws on incorporating playtest feedback into a game design
- Call of Chicago: Bufflegumshoe – Kenneth Hite on how to run the other sensitive teen girl vampire slayer series using Bubblegumshoe and Night’s Black Agents
- The Prisons of TimeWatch – Kevin Kulp on what happens to the chronal miscreants whose schemes TimeWatch troubleshooters thwart
- Cult of Redeeming Light – A new cult for Trail of Cthulhu, by Robin D. Laws
- Brexit Freely And Of Your Own Will – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan looks at what the Brexit means for your Dracula Dossier campaign
- The Private Life of Elder Things – Adam Gauntlett talks about his new project, a short story collection
- Forgotten Sins – An adventure hook for Trail of Cthulhu, by Chris Spivey
- Conventions Seeking GMs – A monthly post where we flag up conventions looking for Pelgrane GMs
- June playtesting – Playtest an adventure set in Cthulhu City, an upcoming setting for Trail of Cthulhu by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan
13th Age
- 13th Sage: Skill Checks in 13th Age – Rob Heinsoo on how he and Jonathan Tweet ask for skill checks in 13th Age
- 13th Age Organized Play Update: June 2016 – Wade Rockett keeps you current with the 13th Age Alliance
- 13h Age: Mooks, Destined to Die! – Sean Clark talks us through how he uses the 13th Age Mook rules
Resource Page Updates – Trail of Cthulhu
- The RPGGeek GUMSHOE competition-winning Purist adventure, The Keepers of the Woods by Frederick Foulds, is available to download now.
- An updated Enchiridion of Elucidation, a guidebook for both players and Keepers, with advice on playing the game, by Tony Williams
- An updated Condensed Rules by Tony Williams