Gen Con is over, and we’re catching our breath after our biggest event of the year. We had a great Gen Con 50, and a big shout-out to the team involved in pulling together such a cracking anniversary event.
We had a super productive Pelgranista get-together in Indianapolis in advance, and have big plans for the rest of the year. Other highlights were winning the Indie Game Developer Network’s Indie Groundbreaker Award for Game of the Year for Seven Wonders, our story game anthology (get 15% off with this month’s bookshelf offer), and two runner-up awards for Best Art and Game of the Year for #Feminism. We had a bit of a rest during this year’s ENnie Awards, and were happy to sit and watch Ken and Robin pick up their fourth win for KARTAS, Bubblegumshoe picking up Best Family Game, and of course, Chaosium’s well-deserved ten awards. Congratulations to all the winners in both awards!
New this month, we have the pre-order draft of The Persephone Extraction, a five-adventure collection for Night’s Black Agents. We’ve also got the first Vivian Sinclair adventure for Cthulhu Confidential; called The Howling Fog, it sees our tenacious reporter go undercover in the sleazy clip joints of New York City, investigating some mysterious mob deaths. We’ve also got Cthulhu City and Out of the Woods
New Releases
- The Howling Fog – A Vivian Sinclair PDF adventure for GUMSHOE One-2-One
- The Persephone Extraction – An adventure collection for Night’s Black Agents, combining ancient horrors from classical mythology with the modern terrors of conspiracy and bioterrorism.
- Cthulhu City – Get this corrupted version of Arkham now – a ghastly metropolis, usable for a Trail of Cthulhu campaign in its own right, or as a nightmarish intrusion into an existing game
- Out of the Woods – A collection of five new adventures for Trail of Cthulhu, detailing expeditions into the world’s darkest and most dangerous woods
- The 13th Age Bestiary 2: Lions & Tigers & Owlbears – Fallen icons, apocalyptic fire giants, and a purple dragon who throws the best parties
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Simon Rogers on what’s new in the Nest
- See Page XX: Stripping Down DramaSystem Procedural Resolution – Robin D. Laws with two quicker resolution methods for procedural scenes in Hillfolk
- What’s Your GUMSHOE size? – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan on chosing your flavour of GUMSHOE
- Mythos Cocktails – Robin D. Laws suggests Lovecraft and Chambers-themed cocktails to take the edge off the death of summer
- Pelgrane GMs Needed for PAX Unplugged 2017 – Full details on how to become a Pelgrane PAX Unplugged GM
- August playtesting – Playtest the core rules of our recently funded Kickstarter, The Yellow King RPG
13th Age
- 13th Sage: Turn Turn Turn the Undead – Rob Heinsoo on an updated version of turn undead
- The Wizard-Sorcerer – 13th Age fan and second-generation Pelgranista Roland Rogers shows you the best dual class character
- Vault of the 13th Age magazine – The first issue of a new 13th Age fanzine
- 13th Age Character Builds. In this series by ASH LAW, we feature two different builds for every 13th Age character class, at all levels. ASH suggests how the builds might be used, and offers tips on playing each character. Stats are based on the point-buy method, and the characters have no non-standard elements.
See Page XX Poll