Happy new year! If your 2018 resolutions involve learning how to run games – or improving your existing GM skills – we’ve joined up with our good friends at Monte Cook Games and Atlas Games for New Gamemaster Month. Starting Tuesday, January 9th, we’ll run a month-long seminar in the form of twice-weekly posts, teaching you everything you need to know to run your first game of Trail of Cthulhu. (And if it is your first time running Trail, check out the resources page specifically for new Trail of Cthulhu players and GMs).
To celebrate the holiday season, we’ve added some bonus items to the Pelgrane Press bookshelf (you’ll need to register here if you haven’t already!)
- Cthulhu Confidential standard print edition and Limited Edition purchasers now have the downloadable PDF of the Problem and Edge Card deck on their bookshelves
- Hillfolk Kickstarter backers now have the PDF of the Hillfolk card deck on their bookshelves
- Dracula Dossier Kickstarter backers now have the PDF of the Dracula Dossier card deck on their bookshelves
- All Dracula Unredacted purchasers now have the EPUB and MOBI version of the Unredacted on their bookshelves
- #Feminism purchasers have a bonus PDF with six additional feminist nanogames
If you didn’t back these Kickstarters, you can pick up the PDFs of these card decks in our webstore, or print your own copy on demand through DriveThruRPG. Other things you can pick up on our webstore now include the PDF of Cthulhu City, the Demonologist class for 13th Age in the form of the Book of Demons pre-order – buy it now and get the plain-text PDF straight away – and the latest GUMSHOE One-2-One adventure for Langston Wright, The Shadow Over Washington.
New Releases
- Cthulhu City PDF – Get the ghastly metropolis of Great Arkham, usable for a Trail of Cthulhu campaign in its own right, or as a nightmarish intrusion into an existing game
- Book of Demons pre-order – Get the new Demonologist class for 13th Age
- Cthulhu Confidential Limited Edition – The stunningly beautiful faux leather-bound limited edition of the first GUMSHOE One-2-One book, with a bookplate signed by all three authors
- The Shadow Over Washington – A Langston Wright PDF adventure for GUMSHOE One-2-One
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Simon Rogers on what’s new in the Nest
- See Page XX: Improv and GUMSHOE Scenario Structure – Robin D. Laws on alternative GUMSHOE adventure design models
- Call of Chicago: Building the Mystery Block by Byock – Kenneth Hite expands a Hideous Creatures: Byakhee scenario seed for a fully-rounded adventure outline
- A Rigged Deck – Robin D. Laws provides a Trail of Cthulhu-themed answer to the 1920 murder of Joseph Bowne Elwell
- The Great Omar – A real-world tale of high ambition, elaborate bindings and the international book trade by Mike Drew, for Bookhounds of London
- New Gamemaster Month – We’ve joined up with Monte Cook Games and Atlas Games to give prospective GMs everything you need to run their first game of Trail of Cthulhu
- Read this Before Running GUMSHOE Part One – Running Adventures – Simon Rogers with more advice for first-time GMs
- The Plain People of Gaming: Christmas in Cthulhu City – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan looks at Yuletide celebrations in Cthulhu City
- January playtesting – Playtest the additional settings of The Yellow King RPG – The Wars, Aftermath or This is Normal Now
13th Age
- 13th Sage: Abyssal Mage – Rob Heinsoo introduces a new monster useful for playing Fire and Faith and the Book of Demons
- 13th Age Character Builds. In this series by ASH LAW, we feature two different builds for every 13th Age character class, at all levels. ASH suggests how the builds might be used, and offers tips on playing each character. Stats are based on the point-buy method, and the characters have no non-standard elements.
See Page XX Poll