We’re getting close to the end of New Gamemaster Month, and our new GMs will be getting ready to run their first game. If you’re an experienced Trail of Cthulhu GM, we’d love for you to jump into the NewGMMonth social media sites (the Facebook group is here, and it’s @NewGmMonth on Twitter) and share the benefits of your experience with our up-and-coming GMs. Whether you’re just starting out as a GM, or more experienced, Pelgrane needs YOU to join our convention GM team! The full details are available here.
Pre-orderers of the 13th Age Book of Demons now have the final PDF available to download from their bookshelves. Other things you can pick up on our webstore now include the PDF of Cthulhu City, and the beautiful limited edition version of Cthulhu Confidential.
New Releases
- Cthulhu City PDF – Get the ghastly metropolis of Great Arkham, usable for a Trail of Cthulhu campaign in its own right, or as a nightmarish intrusion into an existing game
- Book of Demons pre-order – Get the new Demonologist class for 13th Age, and get the final PDF on your bookshelf now
- Cthulhu Confidential Limited Edition – The stunningly beautiful faux leather-bound limited edition of the first GUMSHOE One-2-One book, with a bookplate signed by all three authors
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Simon Rogers on what’s new in the Nest
- See Page XX: GUMSHOE Says Yes – Robin D. Laws addresses rules misunderstandings and the benevolence of GUMSHOE
- Call of Chicago – Tet Sematary – Kenneth Hite looks at DELTA GREEN’s activities during the Tet Offensive
- Pelgrane GMs needed for Origins and Gen Con 2018 – Details for becoming a GM at Origins and Gen Con this year
- The Plain People of Gaming: Houndhounds of Bucharest – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan looks at werewolves in Night’s Black Agents
- How I Prep Adventures in GUMSHOE – Lisa Padol on running GUMSHOE adventures
- TimeWatch and Backstory Cards – Eric Paquette on how he integrated Backstory Cards into his TimeWatch campaign
- Strike a Blow Against the Plink Effect With This Alternate GUMSHOE Damage Rule – Robin D. Laws on mitigating the effects of poor damage rolls in GUMSHOE
- New Gamemaster Month – We’ve joined up with Monte Cook Games and Atlas Games to give prospective GMs everything you need to run their first game of Trail of Cthulhu
13th Age
- 13th Sage: A New Icon Relationship Variant from the 13th Arduin Campaign – Rob Heinsoo on a different way of rolling Icon relationships
- Factions in 13th Age – Mikhail Bonch-Osmolovskiy on making and using factions in 13th Age
- 13th Age Chaos Mage Spellcasting: Example of Play – Wade Rockett addresses a question on the casting sequence of the 13th Age chaos mage class
See Page XX Poll