We’re spending more time at the moment focusing on the visual appearance of our books, and so we’ve been drooling over the very beautiful 13th Age Glorantha. Our colleagues at Moon Design Publishing/Chaosium have a well-deserved reputation for visually stunning books, and 13G is no exception. We’re happy to be able to offer this on pre-order in our webstore this month, as part of a value bundle with 13th Age, and The Glorantha Sourcebook, and we’ve got a larger than usual selection of 13th Age articles and resources to go along with it.
We’ve still got the pre-order of our own – if we do say so ourselves – visually stunning book The Fall of DELTA GREEN. This GUMSHOE adaptation of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game is being touted as the most beautiful book we’ve ever produced, thanks to the stunning art and design by Jen McCleary, which brings Kenneth Hite’s 1960s Delta Green into glorious, technicolour life.
This month, we’re also intrigued to see the video run-through of the updated Black Book Character Generator, and excited to announce that the alpha tests start next week! (Register here if you want to help test it).
New Releases
- 13th Age Glorantha pre-order – Pre-order the full-colour new Glorantha setting for 13th Age, from our good friends at Chaosium
- The Fall of DELTA GREEN pre-order – Pre-order the full-colour GUMSHOE adaptation of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and get the PDF now
- Book of Demons pre-order – Get the new Demonologist class for 13th Age, and get the final PDF on your bookshelf now
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – Simon Rogers on what’s new in the Nest
- See P. XX: Your Guide to GUMSHOE Horror – Robin D. Laws looks at the different iterations of horror GUMSHOE
- Call of Chicago: Assassination Station – Kenneth Hite looks at the decade of assassinations from all different angles, but especially from a Fall of DELTA GREEN angle
- The Plain People of Gaming: Night’s Black Reagents – Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan restores some alchemical balance to The Zalozhniy Quartet for Night’s Black Agents
- Your Input in Action – A Black Book Update – Steven Hammond shows off a demo video of the updated Black Book Character Generator
- Playing to Lift: Making Characters Shine – Elina Gouliou on how players around the table can lift each other up, making everyone’s characters look cool
- Instant Pareidolia’s Gonna Getcha – Robin D. Laws demonstrates how reality horror is just a Google search away
- Competing with Amazon – Retailer Brian Dalrymple on the additional value your FLGS offers over online retailers
- Pelgrane GMs needed for Origins and Gen Con 2018 – The deadline for becoming an Origins GM has passed, but we are still looking for Gen Con GMs
13th Age
- 13th Sage: Swords and Serpent Demons – Rob Heinsoo stats up a sword-swirling 7th level Minor Serpent Demon for the Book of Demons
- 13th Age: Third Party Products Worth A Look – The 13th Age community’s recommendations on what other publishers are doing well for 13th Age
- New 13th Age Classes: A Swordmaster and an Earth Priestess Walk into the Dragon Empire – Rob Heinsoo looks at two of the entirely new classes from 13th Age Glorantha: the deadly Humakti warrior and the spellcasting earth priestess
- 13th Age Character Builds. In this series by ASH LAW, we feature two different builds for every 13th Age character class, at all levels. ASH suggests how the builds might be used, and offers tips on playing each character. Stats are based on the point-buy method, and the characters have no non-standard elements
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