View from the Pelgrane’s Nest – April 2018

The Pelgranes have been out and about this month. Cat attended the GAMA Trade Show, met retailers and fellow publishers such as Chaosium, as well as taking a look at the secret desert base of our US fulfilment house DOJ, Inc. I joined my ProFantasy Software colleagues Mark Fulford and Ralf Schemmann in the Mosel valley for off-season walking, strategy talks, wine tasting and apple strudel. Mark is also the head honcho of Kixto, which provides our fulfilment services in the UK, as well as offering Kickstarter fulfilment for top-shelf RPG companies such as Monte Cook Games and Chaosium outside the US.

13th Age in Glorantha

This month we are happy to announce that Chaosium’s 13th Age Glorantha is available in print pre-order and PDF. Written by Glorantha aficionados and 13th Age co-authors Jonathan Tweet and Rob Heinsoo, it’s the perfect storm of system knowledge and love for Greg Stafford’s creation. And the art! I look on with admiration and envy at the lavishness of the images (and the art budget). As well as providing a gripping heroic setting, it’s packed with character classes and creatures which can be ported straight into the Dragon Empire. We also offer Chaosium’s Glorantha Sourcebook – an overview of the geography and history of Greg Stafford’s seminal setting.

double page spread of 13th Age in Glorantha
Copyright 2018, Chaosium, Inc

The Book of Ages

13th Age artist Aaron McConnell has been working on the cover of the forthcoming Book of Ages, which features the  Grand Master of Flowers and Chieftain of the Giants – icons of former ages. Here is the delightful pre-colour pencil.The Grandmaster of Flowers

The Fall of Delta Green

Talking of good-looking books, I turn to Pelgrane’s most lavish book to date, The Fall of Delta Green is off to the printers after some to-and-fro over end sheets and page count – you can pre-order now, If you are undecided, take a look at this PDF preview.

Night’s Black Agents

Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan has been working on the Night’s Black Agents GMs’ Screen and Resource Book, which includes the usual tables, advice and references, but also some (vampire) bite-sized encounters linked to typical combat and heist location maps. We are still talking about the format – vote in the poll if you want a say. Cat is making progress on the cartography for The Persephone Extraction.

You Demand, We Print

After a close look at our past sales, Cat and Colleen are re-printing a bunch of books from our back catalog, including Mutant City Blues. It’s one of my favourites to run, partly because of the brilliant Quade Diagram, and my current obsession with Jessica Jones, the Flash and other similar supers TV series, I’d like to mod it to run the game for a private detective agency, without the constraints that surround Mutant City law enforcers.



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