by Steve Hammond
Whoot! Infrastructure and other problems are behind us, and we are flying. A ton of progress in May and the Black Book is essentially back on schedule.
This month we have a video showing the complete character generation experience for Trail of Cthulhu. In the video you can see how we handle selection of occupations and drive, occupational abilities, languages, build points, and more. Not much more to say, hopefully the video speaks for itself.
Speaking of schedule, I expect to wrap up my Alpha test and begin the beta test no later than June 5th. This will involve many more invites going out and hopefully lots more feedback coming in. We will be making improvements along the way, and inviting more people each week. Assuming Beta goes well, I expect to go live 30 days later on July 5th.
You can still request an invitation for the beta at After June 5th, you will be able to use that link to register for a notification when we go live. As always, questions and comments can go below.