When it became clear that social distancing efforts were going to have a significant impact on all of us in the games industry, we asked you what you’d like to see from us during the lockdown. Many of you expressed disappointment about missing out on conventions – specifically, panels and seminars, as well as hanging out with us in general.
Pelgranista Extraordinaire Robin D. Laws is managing our video creation, and has ramped up production from around one every six months to 2-3 new videos per week, all of which are available on our YouTube channel. (If you’re enjoying what we’re doing, please Like and Subscribe!)
Here’s a quick overview of what we’ve been up to:
Our Favourite GUMSHOE Abilities
Ever wondered which Pelgranistas like the same GUMSHOE abilities as you?
13th Age Crown of Axis Designer Q&A
Wade Rockett talks about his upcoming adventure for 13th Age
Ask Ken & Robin virtual panel
Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws take the popular live version of their award-winning podcast to a live virtual audience.
Getting Started with Horror Roleplaying virtual panel
Robin D. Laws, Kenneth Hite and Ruth Tillman join Superheroines, Etc’s Carolyn Noe to give some advice to their Adventure Goddesses on running horror games.
Mother of Cities
Robin D. Laws and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan experiment with a play-by-clip tabletop roleplaying game, adapting the GUMSHOE investigative system here.
How to Run Mysteries and Investigations In Table Top Roleplaying
Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Ruth Tillman, and Cat Tobin lead an investigative roleplaying masterclass.
How to Build a Fantasy Roleplaying Monster
Rob Heinsoo, Ashley Law, and Wade Rockett spitball ideas from panel attendees to flesh out the Eater of Joy, a carnivorous fungal foe that feasts on your happy memories.
How to Create Characters for The Yellow King RPG
Robin D. Laws guides you through the character creation process for his latest Pelgrane game.
How to Run Tabletop Roleplaying for One GM and One Player
Robin D. Laws, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Ruth Tillman and Cat Tobin provide techniques for one player, one GM play as seen in the Pelgrane Press games Cthulhu Confidential and Night’s Black Agents: Solo Ops.
Pelgrane Press Virtual Pub Quiz
Bringing horror to all participants in the form of fiendishly difficult questions, pit your wits against Robin D. Laws, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Kenneth Hite, Rob Heinsoo, Kenneth Hite and Cat Tobin in our homage to the European convention favourite.
How to Add Cthulhu to Your Fantasy Game
An all-star cast of Cthulhu initiates, including Sandy Petersen, Kevin Kulp, Emily Dresner, Kenneth Hite, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan and moderator Robin D. Laws look at ways to incorporate the creatures, themes and places of H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos into your table top fantasy roleplaying game.
Night’s Black Agents: Dracula Dossier Actual Play
A full Dracula Dossier actual play campaign, GMed by Grant Ellis and starring Lilli Sparx, Jess, Pr0restarter, and Sharang Biswas. Includes both Director & character prep videos and playthroughs.