The following article originally appeared on an earlier iteration of See Page XX in February 2008.
News from Pelgrane Press
Short and sweet. The blog has more Pelgrane details and a caption competition. This month we’ve released Fields of Silver, Lynne Hardy’s Turjan-level adventure, and Ian Sturrock’s Esoterrorist adventure Albion’s Ransom.
The Mutant City Blues and Stunning Eldritch Tales playtests continue apace, and I’ve had the pleasure of doing some in-house testing of MCB with players are members of the Met Police Heightened Crime Investigation Unit.
Trail of Cthulhu
Trail of Cthulhu is due out mid-February. Pre-orders have been fantastic, and you can get yours as a pre-order from Indie Press Revolution. You can also get it from the Pelgrane Press Store.
Out Now
Available from the Pelgrane Store and IPR.
- Albion’s Ransom, a big new Esterrorists adventure set in the UK by Ian Sturrock.
- The Fields of Silver, an epic Turjan-level adventure for Dying Earth.
Laid Out and Ready to Print
- Tooth, Talon and Pinion, The Excellent Prismatic Spray Issue 7/8 for Dying Earth.
- Profane Miracles, an Esoterrorists adventure by Leonard Balsera
In Playtesting
Stunning Eldritch Tales, a set of four Trail of Cthulhu adventures is in playtest, as is Mutant City Blues.