Dear Mrs. Fernandes:
In response to your telegram of last week, I continue to assert my reluctance to turn over physical possession of any items of regime technology that I may or may not have, pending a legal framework enacted by, and I cannot emphasize this enough, a democratically elected post-interim government. While I understand your concerns on one level, on the other, those of us who fought and bled to put down the Castaignes remain uniquely prepared to retain and study any items of equipment that may or may not exist etc etc.
However in a spirit of cooperation I am willing to allow duly credentialed agents of your bureau, some of whom I know and trust from joint participation in the Struggle, to inspect particular pieces on a need-to-look-at basis, provided assurances can be so forth and so on.
Even at such times, etc, utmost, and I do mean utmost, care must be taken during transport. The ultimate purpose of many of these for lack of a better word I call gizmos has yet to be determined. What security measures do you put in place for a pig in a poke, I ask.
As a further dove of peace I include in this envelope photographs of certain items that give me immense pause and must be handed only by experts such as me.
H5547, tentatively identified as a Hyadic Polarizer, appears to balance the flow of Carcosan energies. With the gates to that realm destroyed, in principle it ought to be a dead as doornails device as one might etc etc. Yet every so often it pings. And I have never dared plug it in!
H5568, says right on it, in a sticker (not seen in photo) Reanimation Trolley. Although the containment bed into which one presumably places a subject to be reanimated is not quite large enough to accommodate most adult human corpses, I nonetheless feel the need to heavily flag this as an appliance that should not be moved without airtight plans for permanent and need I say it secure storage.
H5514, 5 quasi-human heads in specimen jars, I would be glad to be rid of. The way the jars are sculpted to contain the ears in particular gives me the shudders. Further, I do not pretend to have a biomaterials grade storage system for them. It might be inconsistent with my overall objections but please tell me when you’re sending out a courier for pickup.
H5529, most likely a Hyadic Lantern, but what that illuminates my searches through the documentation have yet to determine. What I really need is funding and staffing to go through all the files.
Finally there is H5674, which I am uneasy about but have nothing to tell you about except maybe it’s instrumentation of some variety.
Bottom line, no. Except for H5514a through H5514e, I’m holding onto it. When you want to talk funding me up to run a CERAC [Carcosan Equipment Research and Containment] sub-deparment, then we can talk in further etc etc.
Signed, Barney Jha
Decorated Revolutionary
The Yellow King Roleplaying Game takes you on a brain-bending spiral through multiple selves and timelines, pitting characters against the reality-altering horror of The King in Yellow. When read, this suppressed play invites madness, and remolds our world into a colony of the alien planet Carcosa. Four core books, served up together in a beautiful slipcase, confront layers with an epic journey into horror in four alternate-reality settings: Belle Epoque Paris, The Wars, Aftermath, and This Is Normal Now. Purchase The Yellow King Roleplaying Game in print and PDF at the Pelgrane Shop.