(For context, see the Reality Hacking rules) Academic Hacks Primal Hunter (Anthropology): You gain a 6-point Scuffling pool for the next scene, but you can only use this pool when armed with melee weapons you have made yourself. A sharpened stick or just a nicely balanced stone works. You deal +1 damage with these primal […]
Category Archives: Esoterrorists
kafka’s shining review of Albion’s Ransom: Little Girl Lost & Albion’s Ransom: Worm of Sixty Winters is available in full at rpg.net 10/10: “this is British horror at its best.” “The Esoterrorists picks up where Cthulhu games sometimes leave off in creating a truly horrific experience without getting into gore and staying true to the cosmic horror […]
Over at RPGNet, Kafka has been working through our new releases, and has posted a great review of The Esoterrorists 2nd Edition, giving it 5/5 for Style and Substance. Kafta notes that the second edition contains “both an update of the basic rules (GUMSHOE), hence edition change but also add-ons that make it more the […]
On the UK Roleplayers forum, Ragr has given the Esoterror Factbook a great 8/10. Ragr says the Factbook “…expands the background wonderfully and provides great advice for developing characters and helping the players to visualise exactly what their job as OV investigators is all about.” Ragr concludes by saying: “For me this book was a […]
Michael Wolf reviews The Book of Unremitting Horror here on Stargazer’s World: In my option The Book of Unremitting Horror is a must-have for any GM interested in running horror campaigns, regardless if he/she is using a GUMSHOE game or not.
A review of Esoterrorists: … the game does deliver on its promise. You could easily explain the rules to someone in 15 minutes enough so that they could play. You can also learn them enough to run the game in about an hour. There are some spots you’d still need the book (for tables and […]
A very positive review of the Esoterror Factbook by Kingbeast (9/10) “ I honestly think that this might be one of the best supplemental books that I have read for ANY setting…it is that good”
The podcast The Game’s The Thing gives a positive review to The Esoterrorists. It’s a good intropYou’ll find the review starting at 26 minutes and 50 seconds. I was apprehensive about the system but I was wrong – it worked really well for me.
On his blog Transitive Gaming, R B Bergstrom gives an overwhelmingly positive review to The Esoterrorists, calling it “The best mystery/investigative RPG ever”.
Over on LiveJournal, there is a balanced and good review of Gumshoe, by Grim of Postmortem Studios. “There’s two separate things going on in these books. One is the presentation and ‘selling’ of the Gumshoe system, as a solution to a role-playing problem in pursuing investigations. The other is the presentation of Dave Allsop’s wickedly twisted […]
Dave Lai gives The Esoterrorists a positive review on RPG.NET, giving 4 out of 5 for both substance and style. “Will this one be able to stand out from an apparently increasingly crowded genre? The short answer is a resounding ‘Yes”.”