Dan Harms over at On the Shelf Reviews has given Bookhounds a thorough examining with positive results. You can read the full review here. To the usual Trail mix of Pulp vanilla and Purist chocolate, we now get rainbow sherbert Arabesque, rocky road sordid, and disgustingly neon Technicolor. We can only hope that Pelgrane provides […]
Category Archives: Trail of Cthulhu
An On the Shelf Review of the new WW1 Trail of Cthulhu adventure, Not So Quiet by Adam Gauntlett. The scenario itself has an impressive cast, a cult with well-thought-out motivations, a logical choice of Mythos antagonist, and enough non-Mythos activity to keep players guessing… Not So Quiet is another solid addition to the Trail […]
An actual play review of Trail of Cthulhu on rpg.net – 8/10. The Gumshoe system is an investigation-oriented one, and this orientation is well suited to many Mythos scenarios. We enjoyed playing our characters and didn’t have too much trouble picking up the system. I’d recommend it. It might not work for some scenario types […]
Pookie over at Reviews from R’lyeh has re-reviewed the extended edition of Arkham Detective Tales which is due for release in November. You can read the full review here. Ultimately, what “The King’s Men” does is nicely round out the quartet in Arkham Detective Tales and make it a quintet. In doing so, it draws […]
It’s official, Graham Walmsley’s Purist Adventure, The Dance in the Blood is number 1 on the latest episode of RPG Countdown, beating out the likes of the Dresden Files and Wizards of the Coast. You can hear the full broadcast here, which includes an interview with Graham.
Lowell Francis over at RPGGeek has been busy reviewing even more GUMSHOE products. This time, Rough Magicks has been under his scrutiny, with great results. You can read the full review here. Rough Magicks isn’t just a book of spells, nor is it just a variant magic system for Trail of Cthulhu. It provides both […]
Another offering from Lowell Francis at RPGGeek, his review of Armitage Files is simply entitled ‘wow’ and you can read the whole thing here. The Armitage Files is a unique game book. Pelgrane’s once again demonstrated that they’re willing to go in new and novel directions. At the same time we once again get their […]
This is a Spanish review from José Muñoz. Here is a Direct Link and here is a link to Google’s Translator. The Armitage Files is, from my point of view, the best supplement that has brought so far the editorial for The Trail of Cthulhu. Represents a radical shift in the way of set scenarios […]
From José Muñoz. Here is the Direct Link in the original Spanish and here’s a link to Google’s Translator. It is loaded with action and always leaves open one or more outputs to the survival of the researchers, with little emphasis on certain events that might undermine their mental health, which makes a charge Arkham […]
Here is the second review from José Muñoz. Also in Spanish, here is the Direct Link and here is a link to Google’s Translator. Moreover, we are again on a situation that presents a scenario that moves away from what is considered Purist -the twenties and the three or four cities visited and revisited by […]