Tag Archives: conventions

2013 World Night’s Black Agents Championship at DEXCON 16

CONFIDENTIAL//SI-NBA//ORCON We have learned that last year’s operation in Morristown, New Jersey failed to end the vampire threat. Kenneth Hite and John Adamus urgently request assistance at DEXCON 16 from 10:00AM – 6:00PM, Saturday, July 6, 2013 to counter yet another assault by the undead… …or to participate in it. The Operation: The 2013 World Night’s Black […]

13th Age at Norwescon 36 – Jon Spengler Reports

Jon Spengler of Dorkadia volunteered to run 13th Age at Norwescon in Seattle, and posted about the experience on his blog. He’s kindly given us permission to share his article here. If you’re interested in running 13th Age at a con or at your local game store, we’d love to know! Contact me at wade.rockett@fireopalmedia.com I was […]

13th Age Photos and One Unique Things from Emerald City ComicCon 2013

We ran 13th Age at Emerald City ComicCon last weekend. As with all our demos, players had the opportunity to choose their character’s One Unique Thing — the characteristic in 13th Age that doesn’t provide a mechanical benefit, but which sets that individual apart from everyone else in the adventure (or even the entire world.) […]

Play 13th Age at Emerald City ComicCon

Our Seattle-area 13th Age GMs will run demos at Emerald City ComicCon this weekend. We haven’t heard exactly where yet, but here’s the gaming area map — you’ll find us somewhere in there. Or just wander around yelling, “I DECLARE FOR THE LICH KING!” and we’ll yell back. Come by and join a game of 13th […]

Pre-Order a 13th Age Commission for Emerald City Comic Con!

Emerald City Comic Con is coming up the end of this month, and the 13th Age crew will be there — Rob Heinsoo and our volunteer GMs will run demos, and I’ll be in the Artist Alley. I’ve had to turn commission requests down within the past year due to my work schedule, but I’m making […]

Ash Law: 13th Age at ZOEcon

Rob Heinsoo wasn’t the only GM representing 13th Age at ZOEcon in Seattle. Ash Law (The Reliquary) gives her convention report: The Dwarf King’s Double’s Second Beard Our session started with me standing outside the room at ZOECon giving away books. That’s right, I had a load of old game books and was just giving […]

13th Age at PAX Prime

The 13th Age crew will be out in force at PAX Prime! If you’re attending, we invite you to… Stop by our table: We’ll be on 3rd floor of the  Washington State Convention Center, right in front of rooms 305 and 306. We’ll be easy to find: look for the big Archmage and Diabolist banners.The table will be […]

Play Night’s Black Agents at DEXCON 15 And Win $1,000

Night's Black Agents Team Championship

CONFIDENTIAL//SI-NBA//ORCON We have intercepted communications indicating a high probability of a vampire presence at DEXCON 15 in Morristown, New Jersey from 2:00PM – 8:00PM, Saturday, July 7, 2012. Register to join one of six strike teams under the direction of Kenneth Hite and neutralize the threat by any means necessary. The winning team — even if represented by just […]

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