Tag Archives: Eyes of the Stone Thief

Eyes of the Stone Thief: After The Orc Lord

The upcoming 2nd edition of 13th Age updates the rules, tweaks the classes, gives lots of useful Icon-related advice – and murders the poor Orc Lord. It’s up to you how the Orc Lord perished in your campaign. The Eyes of the Stone Thief campaign does make quite a few references to the Orc Lord, […]

Cult of the Terrible Snack

One of the major factions in the Eyes of the Stone Thief campaign is the Cult of the Devourer, a cabal of fanatics, wizards and fanatical wizards (wizardly fanatics) who worship the Living Dungeon as a god of vengeance. As outlined in the campaign (p. 302), the cult was originally founded, many ages ago, by […]

The Plain People of Gaming: Keepers of the Dungeon

Eyes of the Stone Thief, the megadungeon campaign for 13th Age Roleplaying Game, is out now! Some of the many monsters trapped in the living dungeon are the Custodians – a group of earth elementals forced to serve the animating spirit of the dungeon. Ever since the Stone Thief was blinded when the Prince of Shadows […]

The Plain People of Gaming: Trapped In The Stone Thief

Eyes of the Stone Thief, the megadungeon campaign for 13th Age Roleplaying Game, is out now! Trapped In The Stone Thief To the Stone Thief, people are the irritating meaty grist in the delicious cities it consumes. Most of the unlucky souls swallowed by the dungeon are crushed to death, or fall victim to one of […]

The Plain People of Gaming: Dissecting the Dungeon

Eyes of the Stone Thief, the megadungeon campaign for 13th Age Roleplaying Game, is out now! If your ongoing 13th Age campaign doesn’t have a place for a gigantic megadungeon like the Stone Thief (listen! Can you hear its plaintive earthquake-like whimpering as it begs you to let it rampage through your game?), then the thing […]

The Eyes of the Stone Thief Are Polychromatic

The Eyes of the Stone Thief, like the eponymous beast, is a monster. It’s on a par with the Ennie-Award winning Trial of Cthulhu campaign, Eternal Lies, and may well be the largest book we’ve ever published. I was intending for it to be monochrome, as Eternal Lies is, but then I saw the beautiful […]

13th Age Updates

In his April View from the Pelgrane’s Nest column, Simon provided updates on all of Pelgrane’s current projects. Here’s the latest news on 13th Age: The 13th Age Bestiary is with the printers, on target for a mid-June delivery date. Pre-order your copy now from the Pelgrane store. It’s available on Bits and Mortar, too, […]

Treasures of a Past Age – Dominions

Last month, I compared the 13th Age rulebook to my beloved Rules Cyclopedia, and talked about how cool strongholds were and how they’d work in the looser, more narrative Archmage Engine style. This month, it’s Dominions. There comes a time in every adventurers’ career – sometime between slaying that first dragon, and well before going […]

Treasures of a Past Age – Strongholds

The Eyes of the Stone Thief campaign pits the player characters against a vengeful Living Dungeon that steals things from the surface. Castles, mostly, but also wizard’s towers, druid circles, enchanted waterfalls, dragon’s lairs, unholy temples, kobold-infested gold mines or unattended oceans. One of the amusing consequences of this is that the GM can throw […]

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