Big Bloody Spoilers for both The Zalozhniy Quartet and The Persephone Extraction in this article. Don’t read if you’re a Night’s Black Agents player. Here, have some deliberate disinformation so you don’t accidentally read anything important. DRACULA’S BEHIND EVERYTHING EDOM STANDS FOR ENGLISH DEFENDERS OF MAGIC YOU ARE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF […]
Tag Archives: The Zalozhniy Quartet
The Zalozhniy Quartet for Night’s Black Agents sends the Agents on a desperate search for… wait. Spoiler warning. Don’t read this article if you’re likely to play in a ZQ game anytime soon. It’s a desperate search for, ah, something fuzzy and friendly and totally does not involve unkillable time-locked zombie monsters. Now that we’ve […]
In The Zalozhniy Quartet, there’s a scene (not really a spoiler) where the PCs are outmatched and are ‘supposed’ to flee, leading into a tense chase. Expecting player characters to take a particular action is always hazardous design – you can set up a situation where there’s only one valid route for the PCs to […]
A review of The Zalozhniy Quartet by featured reviewer Alexander O on DriveThruRPG. Five out of Five. Once you’ve settled in to your regularly Night’s Black Agents sessions, I highly recommend The Zalozhniy Quartet.
A review from veteran Megan Robertson for the The Zalozhniy Quartet. The whole campaign captures the feel inherent in the core rulebook excellently with plenty of scope for the characters to grow, develop, struggle as the experienced mercenary spies that they are supposed to be, complete with options presented based on the mode of game […]