Earth is a ruin. Inscrutable alien machines wander the planet, looting the Earth’s body
Humanity dwells in the ruins, having almost no knowledge of how the planet went from its former heights to this sorry low The law consists of a rare few who struggle to hold some semblance of civilization together with words, with guns, with wisdom, with compassion, with cunning.
Want the food those vagabonds stole from your camp? Follow the trail.
Want to avenge the murder of your bodyguards at a local refuge? Find the killers.
Want clean water? Want batteries you can use in trade? Want to know where they took your wife? Want to know what the aliens look like inside those metal suits? Want to know what the hell happened to Planet Earth? Investigate.
Razed is a post-apocalyptic GUMSHOE game in which investigation is the key to survival.
By Will Hindmarch. Status: Design.
Read the Designer’s Development Blog.