This months See Page XX is full of articles on all different subjects. Last month we had a discernable (if, unintended) theme, this month we have an eclectic mix of all things Pelgrane. All the Justice Credits Can Buy is an extract from the beginning of Ashen Stars, now available to pre-pre-order. Another extract, from the Apocalypse Machine, details three possible apocalypse-causing events, is a taster of the second installment of Graham Walmsley’s excellent Cthulhu Apocalypse series. If the SHOE Fits… is a comprehensive guide to constructing GUMSHOE scenarios in non-traditional settings by Amery Greville himself, Steve Dempsey. Robin D. Laws tells of Alternate Armitages, how you can make your own in-game artefacts for all different genres. Hacking Cthulhu Dark is an article from Graham Walmsley on how to play, and eventually hack, his new rules-light GUMSHOE-influenced system. When the Membrane Shatters is from Matthew Sanderson, author of the forthcoming Esoterrorist’s adventure The Love of Money, a campaign frame for what will happen if the Ordo Veritatis fail to stop the Esoterror cells.
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest by Beth Lewis – a round up of the last months activities.
- All the Justice Credits Can Buy – an extract of Ashen Stars by Robin D Laws.
- From the Apocalypse Machine – an extract of the next in the Cthulhu Apocalypse series by Graham Walmsley.
- If the SHOE Fits by Steve Dempsey, how to construct your own, non-traditional GUMSHOE settings.
- Alternate Armitages by Robin D Laws, following on from a fan’s question on The Armitage Files.
- Hacking Cthulhu Dark by Graham Walmsley, how to hack a rules-light, pick-up-and-play system.
- When the Membrane Shatters by Matthew Sanderson, what happens if the OV lose the battle.
And of course we have the traditional Page XX poll.