After a break last month, See Page XX is back with a pre-GenCon feast of news and articles. As usual we have the monthly round-up of all things Pelgrane; high praise and some fantastic handouts from Darren Miguez. Will Hindmarch, co-author of the epic forthcoming Trail of Cthulhu campaign Eternal Lies, has written a Fiasco playsetwith Ken using Bookhounds of London. Robin D Laws shows how you use investigative abilities to steer a scenario. Now in the biggest playtest we have ever done, we give you a second taster of Kenneth Hite’s new GUMSHOE game, Night’s Black Agents. Finally, don’t forget to scroll down for the Owl Hoot Trail poll.
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest by Simon Rogers, updates, news and forthcoming releases.
- What’s on at GenCon? by Beth Lewis, maps, seminars, games and our new releases for GenCon.
- Bookhounds Fiasco by Will Hindmarch and Kenneth Hite, a Fiasco playset using the Bookhounds of London setting.
- Investigative Abilities as Scenario Springboards by Robin D Laws, gaming advice on how abilities can drive scenarios.
- Pelgrane Fan Mail from Darren Miguez, includes a review of Dead White World and a photo of some amazing props.
- Night’s Black Agents Taster #2, extract detailing how to build your vampires.
Out Now
- Ashen Stars Limited Edition: We only have a few copies left of the leatherbound Ashen Stars, order through our store.
- Repairer of Reputations: Robin D Laws takes on Robert W “Lethal” Chambers in this Trail of Cthulhu adventure
- And Thence to Almery: Ian Thomson’s final Footsteps of Fools adventure for Dying Earth – meet Iucounu in the flesh!
- The Investigator’s Guide to Occult London: has been reprinted
New on Pre-Order, PDF Now
- Out of Time: a print collection four of our finest Trail of Cthulhu adventures, with essays by the authors
- Dead Rock Seven: A collection of linked adventures for the forthcoming Ashen Stars
Page XX Competition Poll
No Page XX would be complete without a competition or poll. So now we have both. Following on from our Name That Orc competition, Clinton has selected four choices which will go to the public vote. Here is the handsome rogue we asked you to name –
Name that Orc Finalists! Which name is most befitting of our outlaw Orc?
- Calaboose Twigg (39%, 58 Votes)
- Hog Brocius (27%, 40 Votes)
- Deadeye McGonnagal (22%, 33 Votes)
- Fear-The-Lord Urgluk (11%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 147