By Will Hindmarch
Thanks to the hard play and sharp eyes of many generous playtesters, Eternal Lies has a great errata list and set of revision notes to wade through now. To make the revisions happen quickly and smoothly, we’ve brought in writer and designer Jeremy Keller (Chronica Feudalis, Technoir) to help us speed up the revision process. His vision fits in well with the notions that Jeff and I always had for the project, plus Jeremy played in Jeff’s initial tests for the epic campaign, giving Jeremy a unique insight into the book.
We’re sorting out playtest reports (the most positive, supportive playtest comments I think I’ve ever seen) and divvying up responsibilities for the final work now. This isn’t just checking continuity and clarity, either. We’re revising the organization of the book to make things easier on future Keepers and we’re adding a few thousand words of new material to respond to the questions of ambitious playtesters.
While there’s some important work to be done, I’ll admit this: The playtest went so well that I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I anticipated having to make heaps of changes and corrections, just due to the sheer size of this hulking opus, yet things have gone pretty smoothly.
Many happy thanks to our great playtester for bringing us terrific notes and anecdotes from their adaptations of the campaign. Much appreciated.