The latest Page XX, featuring new releases, articles and news on the 13th Age, Night’s Black Agent sand Trail of Cthulhu.
- View from the Pelgrane’s Nest by Simon Rogers, all you need to know about Pelgrane Press this month.
- 13th Age News: Through the Scrying Glass by Simon Rogers, updates and news on our new fantasy RPG.
- Turbodracula: An Alternative Icon by Darren Pearce, an icon for the 13th Age-compatible, Ravenloft-reboot, Nightfall.
- Anomaly Finding by Jessica Hammer, experimentation and practice in gaming techniques.
- Monster Damage in 13th Age by Jonathan Tweet, why fixed damage is used in 13th Age.
- Cthulhu Apocalypse Extract by Gareth Hanrahan, a section of the introduction for the next in the Award-Winning Cthulhu Apocalypse series.
- A New Breed of Orcs by Ryven Cedrylle, Orcs are changing in the 13th Age, find out how.
- Greasepaint by Robin D Laws, a series pitch for Robin’s in-house DramaSystem game.
- Gaean Reach Layout Sample by Chris Huth, the first few pages of layout from the forthcoming sci-fi game.
- October Playtesting: an Ashen Stars adventure by Bill White and a Trail of Cthulhu adventure from Adam Gauntlett.
New Releases
- Sisters of Sorrow by Adam Gauntlett, horror on a German U-boat during WWI. Available as a PDF-only download.
- All We Have Forgotten: Music for Ashen Stars by James Semple, Marie-Anne Fischer and Yaiza Varona.
- Night’s Black Agents PDF. The vampire-espionage thriller comes to PDF.