Now that Hillfolk Kickstarter backers have had time to digest and play the game, it’s time to solicit submissions for the Master Class section of the Blood on the Snow Companion book. This is an opportunity for the emerging game writers among you to gain some experience and see your name in print.
The Brief
We’re looking for contributions of approximately 300-1000 words in length that will help readers understand, play, and expand DramaSystem.
The theme: challenges you encountered during play, and how you overcame them.
If you wish to submit a piece taking another angle on DramaSystem play or design, feel free to do so, with the understanding that pieces adhering to the theme are more likely to be accepted.
Whatever your subject matter, all pieces must show that you have actually played the game. Armchair ruminations will have to seek other homes.
The Context
These submissions will appear in a 20,000 word section of Blood on the Snow, interwoven with commentary by Robin.
The Process
This is an open call for pieces written on a spec basis. We will accept as many quality submissions as fit within the section’s word count. In the case of similar submissions, we’ll pick the one of greatest utility in DramaSystem play.
Deadline for submissions is Jan 14. Send submissions in .doc, .docx or .odt format to Robin at robinlaws at-symbol
You will not be asked to perform rewrites. Instead, Robin may adjust your prose for clarity, brevity, and maximum impact, allowing you the opportunity to comment on these changes.
The Deal
Authors whose pieces are accepted for publication will receive 3 cents a word US, due on acceptance, in exchange for all rights to your text. You will receive credit both as a byline and on the table of contents. Due to the brevity of these pieces our budget does not permit us to offer complimentary author’s copies. (Remember that all Hillfolk backers already receive the book in electronic form, whether you purchased the print copy or not.)
Note to Established Designers
This open call addresses new and emerging game writers. If you are an already established designer and wish to submit, contact me with a concept brief and we’ll discuss alternate terms.