Pelgrane Call for Artists

Here at Pelgrane Towers our production has been ramped up significantly in the last year or two so our stable of very talented artists are becoming overworked. We are in need of fresh meat. I get a lot of emails from artists offering their portfolio and services who clearly haven’t looked at our books to see what kind of style and subject matter we’re after. So I thought I would make it a bit clearer.

We publish predominantly horror titles so we’re looking for horror themed art. We also prefer photo-realistic images.

If you believe your artwork fits our style then please email me with a link to your portfolio and an indication of your rates. If you’ve previously emailed but I haven’t got back to you then I apologise, please send again.

Here is a selection of our artists and their work –

Jerome Huguenin – Trail of Cthulhu: The Rending Box














Phil Reeves – Night’s Black Agents














Alessandro Alaia – Cthulhu Apocalypse

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Phil Reeves – Esoterrorists






















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