Hello, my name is Kendall Jung and I’m one of the mods on the Pelgrane 13th Age forums, host of Vault of the 13th Age (http://www.13thage.org) and I have also taken up the mantle of “Official GM Wrangler” for GenCon and Origins this year. Together with Cat Tobin and Wade Rockett, we’re feverishly working towards making Pelgrane’s convention presence this year one to remember.
With that goal in mind, last month, we asked you to fill out a GenCon Survey – so we could get a feel as to who all was coming to GenCon, what games they would like to see, and so forth. The responses we got were pretty surprising – even if we did offer an incentive in the form of Pelgrane credit – but we’ll get to that in a bit.
First, I wanted to share some of the datum we gathered:
Total Responses: 138
Days Attending GenCon: 3.37 (average)
Volunteer GM’s: 43
That is a great response for our survey – and the fact that more than 25% of the people who responded wanted to run games for us at GenCon is even more amazing. Cat and I are in process now of contacting our GM’s and starting to schedule game slots over the Best 4 Days in Gaming, so keep an eye out for an email!
Some more points of data:
Top Games GM’s Volunteered For:
13th Age
Trail of Cthulu
Night’s Black Agents
TimeWatch / Owl Hoot Trail (they tied)
While 13th Age had a very large following, all of Pelgrane’s titles made a good showing of requests. We’re looking at balancing out our GMs versus what games they want to run, and hope to accommodate everyone’s gaming desires and schedules.
When it comes to games you want to see, one of the things we asked people would be their interest in a 2-night tournament where you were scored against other tables / teams. Only 19 of our 139 respondents were interested in that – so that’s maybe an idea we’ll keep on the shelf for next year.
Overall the strongest desires for survey responses broke down into three categories:
Organized Play Games
Standard, 4 Hour Games
2 hour “Demo” Games
As a final note, before I announce the lucky random-winner of our survey, I wanted to also let you guys know that we are looking for volunteer GM’s for Origins as well. Please email cat@pelgranepress with the subject line “I want to be an Origins GM!” and we’ll add you to our list. (Please include # of hours / game sessions you would like to run, and if you have any preferred scheduled times you would like to run.)
Again, we want to thank everyone for answering our survey. Each of you will receive a $5 Pelgrane Press voucher – good for products at the web store. However, one lucky survey-entree has won an ultra-shiny $50 credit voucher – and here is where we find out who it is. (Note: I have failed as a gamer – as I don’t have a d138 in my dice bag – so I went online and generated a random number). Congratulations to Brent Killackey!
During his survey, Brent had this to say:
“This year will be my first GenCon and I’m looking forward to playing many games, but 13th Age has to be tops on my list.”
Congratulations! We have already reached out to Brent about the win and $50 Pelgrane voucher.
Thank you to all of our survey responders – this gives us a good feel as to what you all want, and we hope that you will be very happy at GenCon and Origins this year!